Sankrith Subramanian

Sankrith Subramanian received his bachelor’s degree in instrumentation and control engineering from St. Joseph’s College of Engineering (Anna University), India in 2006, and his master’s degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Florida in 2009. His interests lie in the field of networked control systems, control of communication networks, and cross-layer design in MANETs. He is currently a PhD student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Nonlinear Controls and Robotics Group, advised by Dr. Warren Dixon, and co-advised by Dr. John Shea of the Wireless Information Networking Group. He is presently working towards his PhD at UF-REEF/AFRL at Eglin AFB, FL.
Journal Papers
- S. Subramanian, J.M. Shea, W.E. Dixon, “Power Control for Cellular Communications with Time-Varying Channel Uncertainties,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. Submitted.
Conference Papers
- S. Subramanian, E.L. Pasiliao, J.M. Shea, W.E. Dixon, “Throughput Maximization in CSMA Networks with Collisions,” Proceedings of IEEE International Communications Conference, Ottawa, Canada, June 2012, Submitted.
- M. Carvalho, A. Granados, S. Subramanian, C. Perez, “A Cross-Layer Approach to Mixed-Control Topology Management for MANETs,” Proceedings of IEEE Military Communications Conference, San Jose, California, October 2010, pp.1671-1676.
- Z. Kan, S. Subramanian, J.M. Shea, W.E. Dixon, “Vision Based Connectivity Maintenance of a Network with Switching Topology,” Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control part of the Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Yokohama, Japan, September 2010, pp.1493-1498.
- S. Subramanian, J.M. Shea, W.E. Dixon, “Prediction-Based Power Control for Distributed Cellular Communication Networks with Time-Varying Channel Uncertainties,” Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China, 2009, pp. 1998-2003.
- S. Subramanian, J.M. Shea, W.E. Dixon, “Power Control for Cellular Communications with Channel Uncertainties,” Proceedings of American Control Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 2009, pp. 1569-1574.
- S. Subramanian, “Power Control of CDMA-based Cellular Communication Networks with Time-varying Stochastic Channel Uncertainties,” Masters Thesis, University of Florida, 2009.