Our vision is that assured autonomous operations by a network of agents in contested environments require an integrated
focus on the complex union of both physical and information dynamics within the analysis, design, and synthesis of logica
l decision making and control design. New design, analysis, and control synthesis tools are required to provide performance
certificates for autonomous mission execution in the presence of uncertain environmental conditions and adversarial behaviors
(i.e., assured autonomy). The development of such tools require fundamental development in mathematics, control systems theory,
information theory, communications, and computer science. Efforts in the Center of Excellence focus on six research topics including:
Modeling and Analysis Methods for Nonsmooth Systems,
Adaptation, Optimality, and Synthesis,
Analysis, Design and Control Synthesis Within and Over Networks,
Design and Analysis with Asynchronous Information,
Attack-Resilient Designs, and
Protecting Safety- and Mission-Critical Information. |