Analysis, Design and Control Synthesis Within and Over Networks |
![]() This research area focuses on design and analysis challenges
for both controlling agents within a network and controlling agents over a network. For controlling agents within a network, the possible
interactions between agents can be modeled using a graph. Efforts will significantly improve upon previous work on this area by more fully
capturing the stochastic nature of information exchanges through time-varying and random graph models, such as temporal networks. We build
upon these models in several efforts, including determining conditions under which random communication graphs attain required connectivity properties
and positioning agents to achieve network objectives, such as achieving specified connectivity properties or jamming adversarial networks.
While considering time-varying and random graph topologies provides a robust generalization for control within a network, additional robustness
and new opportunities can be discovered by improving the information exchange between the network and control applications if new techniques can be
developed to leverage this information. The goal is to move beyond the conventional model, in which wireless communication and mobility produce random errors,
dropouts, or delays, to a model in which the control system can adapt in real time as service degrades. Efforts will develop control techniques that allow
a system to adapt its operation and use of network resources based on the quality-of-service that the network is able to provide (currently and predicted)
and on the costs associated with the use of the network by that application and the other users of the network. We consider how control systems can inform
communication networks of control requirements and priorities, how the communication networks can use these to optimize their use of the shared communication
resources (bandwidth/time/space), and how information can be shared with other users of these communication resources while protecting privacy and operations
security by utilizing techniques developed in other research thrusts. |
Analysis, Design and Control Synthesis Within and Over Networks Publications |
@Article{Zhu.Cummings.ea2019, Title = {Operator Strategy Model Development in UAV Hacking Detection}, Author = {H. Zhu and M. Cummings and M. Elfar and Z. Wang and M. Pajic}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Human-Machine Syst.}, Year = {2019}, Number = {6}, Pages = {540-549}, Volume = {49}, Keywords = {RT5} } @InProceedings{YanCDC19_DistributedActorCritic, Title = {Distributed Off-Policy Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning with Policy Consensus}, Author = {Y. Zhang and M. M. Zavlanos}, Booktitle = {Proc. 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, Year = {2019}, Month = {December}, Keywords = {RT2,RT3} } @InProceedings{zhang_2019_distributed_off, Title = {Distributed Off-Policy Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning with Policy Consensus}, Author = {Y. Zhang and M. M. Zavlanos}, Booktitle = {Proc. 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Year = {2019}, Address = {Nice, France}, Month = dec, Pages = {4674--4679}, Keywords = {RT2, RT3} } @InProceedings{zhang_2020_transfer, Title = {Transfer {Reinforcement} {Learning} under {Unobserved} {Contextual} {Information}}, Author = {Y. Zhang and M. M. Zavlanos}, Booktitle = {11th {ACM}/IEEE {International} {Conference} on {Cyber}-{Physical} {Systems} ({ICCPS})}, Year = {2020}, Address = {Sydney, Australia}, Month = apr, Keywords = {RT2} } @InProceedings{zhang_2019_distributed_online, Title = {A Distributed Online Convex Optimization Algorithm with Improved Dynamic Regret}, Author = {Y. Zhang and R. Ravier and M. M. Zavlanos and V. Tarokh}, Booktitle = {Proc. 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Year = {2019}, Address = {Nice, France}, Month = dec, Pages = {2449--2454}, Keywords = {RT3} } @InProceedings{200, author = {Y. Zeleke and J. Osborn and R.G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Foundation of Digital Games Conference}, title = {Analyzing Action Games: A Hybrid Systems Approach}, year = {2019}, keywords = {RT1, RT2}, } @InProceedings{Zegers.Deptula.ea2019, Title = {Event/Self-Triggered Approximate Leader-Follower Consensus with Resilience to Byzantine Adversaries}, Author = {F. M. Zegers and P. Deptula and J. M. Shea and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, Year = {2019}, Address = {Nice, Fr}, Month = {Dec.}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3, RT5, jointPI} } @InProceedings{Zegers.Hale.ea2020, Title = {Reputation-Based Event-Triggered Formation Control and Leader Tracking with Resilience to Byzantine Adversaries}, Author = {F. Zegers and M. Hale and J. M. Shea and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, Year = {2020}, Pages = {761-766}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3, RT5, jointPI} } @InProceedings{Zegers.Chen.ea2019, Title = {A Switched Systems Approach to Consensus of a Distributed Multi-agent System with Intermittent Communication}, Author = {F. Zegers and H.-Y. Chen and P. Deptula and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, Year = {2019}, Pages = {2372-2377}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3} } @inproceedings{zarei_hscc20, author = {Zarei, Mojtaba and Wang, Yu and Pajic, Miroslav}, title = {Statistical Verification of Learning-Based Cyber-Physical Systems}, year = {2020}, isbn = {9781450370189}, doi = {10.1145/3365365.3382209}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control}, articleno = {12}, numpages = {7}, keywords = {cyber-physical systems verification, statistical model checking, high-assurance learning-based control}, location = {Sydney, New South Wales, Australia}, series = {HSCC'20}, Keywords = {RT2, RT5} } @InProceedings{yazdani20, Title = {Error Bounds and Guidelines for Privacy Calibration in Differentially Private Kalman Filtering}, Author = {K. Yazdani and M. T. Hale}, Booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT6} } @InProceedings{Xu.Zegers.ea2019, Title = {Controller Synthesis For Multi-Agent Systems with Intermittent Communication: A Metric Temporal Logic Approach}, Author = {Z. Xu and F. M. Zegers and B. Wu and W. E. Dixon and U. Topcu}, Booktitle = {Proc. Allerton Conf. on Commun., Control, and Compu.}, Year = {2019}, Month = {Sept.}, Keywords = {RT1,RT3,jointPI} } @InProceedings{xu2019differentially, Title = {Differentially Private Controller Synthesis With Metric Temporal Logic Specifications}, Author = {Z. Xu and K. Yazdani and M. Hale and U. Topcu}, Booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT2, RT6, jointPI} } @InProceedings{xu2019joint, Title = {Joint inference of reward machines and policies for reinforcement learning}, Author = {Z. Xu and I. Gavran and Y. Ahmad and R. Majumdar and D. Neider and U. Topcu and B. Wu}, Booktitle = {Proc. International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), Special Track on Planning and Learning}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT2} } @InProceedings{wu_cdc19, Title = {Switched Linear Systems Meet Markov Decision Processes: Stability Guaranteed Policy Synthesis}, Author = {B. Wu and M. Cubuktepe and U. Topcu}, Booktitle = {2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT2} } @InProceedings{Bo2019distributed, Title = {Distributed Bayesian hypothesis testing in sensor networks}, Author = {Wu, Bo and Carr, Steven and Bharadwaj, Suda and Xu, Zhe and Topcu, Ufuk}, Booktitle = {American Control Conference}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT3} } @InProceedings{gomactech20, Title = {A Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Design in the {DARPA} Spectrum Collaboration Challenge}, Author = {T. F. Wong and T. Ward and J. M. Shea and M. Menendez and D. Greene and C. Bowyer}, Booktitle = {Proc. GOMACTech}, Year = {2020}, Address = {San Diego, California}, Month = {Mar.}, Pages = {1--6}, Keywords = {RT3} } @Article{wang_tecs19, Title = {Statistical Verification of Hyper-properties for Cyber-Physical Systems}, Author = {Y. Wang and M. Zarei and B. Bonakdarpour and M. Pajic}, Journal = {ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.}, Year = {2019}, Month = oct, Number = {5s}, Pages = {92:1--92:23}, Volume = {18}, ISSN = {1539-9087}, Keywords = {RT5, Cyber-physical systems, embedded control software, hyperproperties, statistical model checking} } @InProceedings{wang_icra20, Title = {Hyperproperties for Robotics: Motion Planning via HyperLTL}, Author = {Y. Wang and S. Nalluri and M. Pajic}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT2, RT5} } @InProceedings{wang_cdc19a, Title = {Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems in the Presence of Sensor and Actuator Attacks}, Author = {Y. Wand and M. {Pajic}}, Booktitle = {2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1,RT3,RT5} } @InProceedings{wang_cdc19b, Title = {Attack-Resilient Supervisory Control with Intermittently Secure Communication}, Author = {Y. Wand and M. {Pajic}}, Booktitle = {2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1,RT3,RT5} } @InProceedings{202, Title = {A Hybrid Control Strategy for Autonomous Navigation While Avoiding Multiple Obstacles at Unknown Locations}, Author = {V.Muthukumaran and R.G. Sanfelice and G. Elkaim}, Booktitle = {IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2, RT4} } @InProceedings{ubl_cdc_19, Title = {Totally Asynchronous Distributed Quadratic Programming with Independent Stepsizes and Regularizations}, Author = {M. Ubl and M.T. Hale}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT4} } @InProceedings{Sun.Bell.ea2020, author = {R. Sun and Z. Bell and F. Zegers and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, title = {A Switched Systems Approach to Unknown Environment Exploration with Intermittent State Feedback for Nonholonomic Systems}, year = {2020}, Pages = {5275-5280}, keywords = {RT1, jointAF}, } @Article{SavasTopcu_TAC, Title = {Entropy Maximization for {M}arkov Decision Processes Under Temporal Logic Constraints}, Author = {Y. Savas and M. Ornik and M. Cubuktepe and M. O. Karabag and U. Topcu}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, Year = {2020}, Number = {4}, Pages = {1552-1567}, Volume = {65}, Keywords = {RT2,RT3,RT6} } @InProceedings{SavasTopcu_CDC2, Title = {Incentive Design for Temporal Logic Objectives}, Author = {Y. Savas and V. Gupta and M. Ornik and L. J. Ratliff and U. Topcu}, Booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT6} } @InProceedings{SavasTopcu_CDC1, Title = {Entropy-Regularized Stochastic Games}, Author = {Y. Savas and M. Ahmadi and T. Tanaka and U. Topcu}, Booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT2,RT3,RT6} } @Article{Sargolzaei.Crane.ea2020, Title = {Detection and Mitigation of False Data Injection Attacks in Networked Control Systems}, Author = {A. Sargolzaei and C. D. Crane and K. Yazdani and A. Abbaspour and W. E. Dixon}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. on Ind. Inform.}, Year = {2020}, Month = jun, Number = {6}, Pages = {4281-4292}, Volume = {16}, Keywords = {RT3,RT5}, Url1 = {} } @InBook{216, Title = {Encyclopedia of Systems and Control}, Author = {R.G. Sanfelice}, Chapter = {Hybrid Model Predictive Control}, Editor = {J. Baillieul and T. Samad}, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = {2020}, Pages = {}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2, RT4} } @InBook{217, Title = {Encyclopedia of Systems and Control}, Author = {R.G. Sanfelice}, Chapter = {Feedback Control of Hybrid Dynamical Systems}, Editor = {J. Baillieul and T. Samad}, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = {2020}, Pages = {}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2} } @Book{218, Title = {Hybrid Feedback Control}, Author = {R.G. Sanfelice}, Publisher = {Princeton University Press}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2} } @InProceedings{RianoRios.Omar.ea2020, Title = {Spacecraft Attitude Regulation in Low Earth Orbit Using Natural Torques}, Author = {C. Riano-Rios and S. Omar and R. Bevilacqua and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {Proc. 4th IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT2, jointPI} } @InProceedings{RianoRios.Bevilacqua.ea2019, Title = {Relative Maneuvering for Multiple Spacecraft via Differential Drag using LQR and Constrained Least Squares}, Author = {C. Riano-Rios and R. Bevilacqua and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT2, RT3, jointPI} } @InProceedings{203, Title = {Inter-Event Times Analysis for Planar Linear Event-Triggered Controlled Systems (I)}, Author = {R. Postoyan and W.P.M.H. Heemels and R.G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3, RT4} } @Article{phillips2019robust, Title = {Robust distributed synchronization of networked linear systems with intermittent information}, Author = {S. Phillips and R. G. Sanfelice}, Journal = {Automatica}, Year = {2019}, Pages = {323--333}, Volume = {105}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3, RT4, jointAF}, Publisher = {Elsevier} } @InProceedings{204, Title = {Observer-Based Synchronization of Multi-Agent Systems Using Intermittent Measurements}, Author = {S. Phillips and R.G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2, RT3, RT4, jointAF} } @InProceedings{paternain_2019_constrained, Title = {Constrained Online Learning in Networks with Sublinear Regret and Fit}, Author = {S. Paternain and S. Lee and M. M. Zavlanos and A. Ribeiro}, Booktitle = {Proc. 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Year = {2019}, Address = {Nice, France}, Month = dec, Pages = {5486--5493}, Keywords = {RT3} } @InProceedings{PaternainCDC19_OnlineLearning, Title = {Constrained Online Learning in Networks with Sublinear Regret and Fit}, Author = {S. Paternain and S. Lee and M. M. Zavlanos and A. Ribeiro}, Booktitle = {Proc. 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, Year = {2019}, Month = {December}, Keywords = {RT2,RT3} } @Article{Parikh.Kamalapurkar.ea2019, Title = {Integral Concurrent Learning: Adaptive Control with Parameter Convergence using Finite Excitation}, Author = {A. Parikh and R. Kamalapurkar and W. E. Dixon}, Journal = {Int J Adapt Control Signal Process}, Year = {2019}, Month = dec, Number = {12}, Pages = {1775-1787}, Volume = {33}, Keywords = {RT2} } @Article{208, Title = {Hybrid Control for Robust and Global Tracking on a Smooth Manifold}, Author = {P. Casau, R. Cunha, R.G. Sanfelice, and C. Silvestre}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2} } @Article{210, Title = {Robust global exponential stabilization on the n-dimensional sphere with applications to trajectory tracking for quadrotors}, Author = {P. Casau, C. Mayhew, R.G. Sanfelice, and C. Silvestre}, Journal = {Automatica}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2} } @InProceedings{205, Title = {On a Stabilizing Model Predictive Control Framework for Discretized Hybrid Dynamical Systems}, Author = {P. Ojaghi and B. Altin and R.G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2, RT3, RT4} } @InProceedings{marker_milcom2019, Title = {Identifying Bottleneck Nodes using Packet Delay Statistics}, Author = {J. Marker and J. M. Shea and T. F. Wong and E. Graves and P. L. Yu}, Booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Military Commun. Conf. (MILCOM)}, Year = {2019}, Address = {Norfolk, Virginia}, Month = {Nov.}, Pages = {1-6}, Keywords = {RT3} } @InProceedings{197, Title = {Multiple barrier function certificates for forward invariance in hybrid inclusions}, Author = {M. Maghenem and R. G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, Year = {2019}, Pages = {2346-2351}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2 , RT4} } @InProceedings{198, Title = {Characterizations of safety and conditional invariance in dynamical systems}, Author = {M. Maghenem and R. G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, Year = {2019}, Pages = {5039-5044}, Keywords = {RT2} } @InProceedings{maghenem2019characterizations, Title = {Characterizations of safety in hybrid inclusions via barrier functions}, Author = {Maghenem, Mohamed and Sanfelice, Ricardo G}, Booktitle = {ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control}, Year = {2019}, Pages = {109-118}, Keywords = {RT1, RT6} } @InProceedings{206, Title = {Multiple Barrier Function Certificates for Weak Forward Invariance in Hybrid Inclusions}, Author = {M. Maghenem and R.G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2, RT3, RT4} } @InProceedings{214, Title = {Local Lipschitzness of Reachability Maps for Hybrid Systems with Applications to Safety}, Author = {M. Maghenem and R.G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2, RT3, RT4} } @InProceedings{207, Title = {Monotonicity of Functions Along Flows of Hybrid Inclusions}, Author = {M. Maghenem and A. Melis and R.G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2, RT4} } @InProceedings{luo_2020_socoally, Title = {{Socially}-{Aware} {Robot} {Planning} via {Bandit} {Human} {Feedback}}, Author = {X. Luo and Y. Zhang and M. M. Zavlanos}, Booktitle = {11th {ACM}/IEEE {International} {Conference} on {Cyber}-{Physical} {Systems} ({ICCPS})}, Year = {2020}, Address = {Sydney, Australia}, Month = apr, Keywords = {RT2} } @InProceedings{luo_2019_transfer, Title = {Transfer Planning for Temporal Logic Tasks}, Author = {X. Luo and M. M. Zavlanos}, Booktitle = {Proc. 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Year = {2019}, Address = {Nice, France}, Month = dec, Pages = {5306--5311}, Keywords = {RT2} } @InProceedings{XushengCDC19_TransferPlanning, Title = {Transfer Planning for Temporal Logic Tasks}, Author = {X. Luo and M. M. Zavlanos}, Booktitle = {Proc. 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, Year = {2019}, Month = {December}, Keywords = {RT2} } @Article{luo_abstraction-free_2019, Title = {An {Abstraction}-{Free} {Method} for {Multi}-{Robot} {Temporal} {Logic} {Optimal} {Control} {Synthesis}}, Author = {X. Luo and Y. Kantaros and M. Zavlanos}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Robotics}, Year = {2019}, Month = sep, Keywords = {RT2, RT3} } @InProceedings{195, Title = {Tools for Asymptotic Stability of Limit Cycles in Switched Systems}, Author = {X. Lou and R. G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, Year = {2019}, Pages = {2340-2345}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2, RT4} } @Article{Licitra.Bell.ea2019, Title = {Single Agent Indirect Herding of Multiple Targets with Unknown Dynamics}, Author = {R. Licitra and Z. Bell and W. E. Dixon}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Robotics}, Year = {2019}, Number = {4}, Pages = {847-860}, Volume = {35}, Keywords = {RT1,RT2,RT3}, Url1 = {} } @article{lesi_tcps20, author = {Lesi, Vuk and Jovanov, Ilija and Pajic, Miroslav}, title = {Integrating Security in Resource-Constrained Cyber-Physical Systems}, year = {2020}, issue_date = {May 2020}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, issn = {2378-962X}, doi = {10.1145/3380866}, journal = {ACM Trans. Cyber-Phys. Syst.}, month = may, articleno = {28}, numpages = {27}, keywords = {RT5, quality-of-control, real-time scheduling, mixed integer linear programming, Cyber-physical systems security} } @InProceedings{Le.Chen.ea2020, Title = {Path Following with Stable and Unstable Modes Subject to Time-Varying Dwell-Time Conditions}, Author = {D. Le and H.-Y. Chen and A. R. Teel and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {IFAC World Congr.}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1, theory, Robotpub} } @INPROCEEDINGS{khazraei_acc20, author={A. {Khazraei} and M. {Pajic}}, booktitle={2020 American Control Conference (ACC)}, title={Perfect Attackability of Linear Dynamical Systems with Bounded Noise}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={749-754}, Keywords= {RT2, RT5} } @InProceedings{karabag2019optimal, Title = {Optimal Deceptive and Reference Policies for Supervisory Control}, Author = {M. O. Karabag and M. Ornik and U. Topcu}, Booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Year = {2019}, Organization = {IEEE}, Pages = {1323--1330}, Keywords = {RT6} } @Article{Kamalapurkar.Dixon.ea2020, Title = {On reduction of differential inclusions and Lyapunov stability}, Author = {R. Kamalapurkar and W. E. Dixon and A. Teel}, Journal = {ESAIM: Control, Optim. Calc. of Var.}, Year = {2020}, Number = {24}, Pages = {1-16}, Volume = {26}, Keywords = {theory}, Url1 = {} } @Article{Jovanov.pajic.2019, Title = {Relaxing Integrity Requirements for Attack-Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems}, Author = {I. Jovanov and M. Pajic}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Auto. Control}, Year = {2019}, Number = {12}, Pages = {4843-4858}, Volume = {64}, Keywords = {RT5} } @InProceedings{jones_acc_19, Title = {Towards Differential Privacy for Symbolic Systems}, Author = {A. Jones and K. Leahy and M.T. Hale}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 American Control Conference}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT6} } @InProceedings{191, Title = {A Robust Hybrid Heavy Ball Algorithm, for Optimization with High Performance}, Author = {D. Hustig-Schultz and R. G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {American Control Conference}, Year = {2019}, Pages = {151-156}, Keywords = {RT2} } @InProceedings{bigmac20, Title = {{BigMAC: Fine-Grained Policy Analysis of Android Firmware}}, Author = {G. Hernandez and D. Tian and A. Yadav and B. Williams and K. Butler}, Booktitle = {29th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security'20)}, Year = {2020}, Address = {Boston, MA, USA}, Month = aug, Keywords = {RT6} } @InProceedings{Harris.Bell.ea2020, Title = {Target Tracking in the Presence of Intermittent Measurements by a Sparsely Distributed Network of Stationary Cameras}, Author = {C. Harris and Z. Bell and E. Doucette and J. W. Curtis and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, Pages = {3491-3496}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3, jointAF} } @InProceedings{215, Title = {Sufficient Conditions for Satisfaction of Formulas with Until Operators in Hybrid Systems}, Author = {H. Han and M. Maghenem and R.G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2} } @InProceedings{hale_acc_19, Title = {Trust-Driven Privacy in Human-Robot Interactions}, Author = {M.T. Hale and T. Setter and K. Fregene}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 American Control Conference}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT6} } @InProceedings{Greene.Deptula.ea2019, Title = {Reinforcement Learning with Sparse Bellman Error Extrapolation for Infinite-Horizon Approximate Optimal Regulation}, Author = {M. L. Greene and P. Deptula and S. Nivison and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, Year = {2019}, Address = {Nice, Fr}, Month = {Dec.}, Keywords = {RT1,RT2,jointAF}, Owner = {wdixon} } @Article{Greene.Deptula.ea2020, author = {M. L. Greene and P. Deptula and S. Nivison and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Control Syst. Lett.}, title = {Sparse Learning-Based Approximate Dynamic Programming with Barrier Constraints}, year = {2020}, issn = {2475-1456}, month = jul, number = {3}, pages = {743-748}, volume = {4}, keywords = {jointAF, RT2}, url1 = {}, } @InProceedings{Greene.RianoRios.ea2020, Title = {Approximate Optimal Orbit Transfer of Non-cooperative Debris}, Author = {M. Greene and C. Riano-Rios and R. Bevilacqua and N. Fitz-Coy and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {Proc. AIAA SciTech Forum}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {learning, aeropub, Optimal, NN, RT2, jointPI} } @InProceedings{gohari20, Title = {The Dirichlet Mechanism for Differential Privacy on the Unit Simplex}, Author = {P. Gohari and B. Wu and M. T. Hale and U. Topcu}, Booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT6, jointPI} } @InProceedings{192, Title = {A Moving Target Defense to Reveal Cyber- Attacks in CPS And Minimize Their Impact}, Author = {J. Giraldo and A. Cardenas and R. G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {American Control Conference}, Year = {2019}, Pages = {391-396}, Keywords = {RT1, RT5, RT6} } @InProceedings{ghasemi2020identifying, Title = {Identifying Low-Dimensional Structures in {M}arkov Chains: {A} Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Approach}, Author = {M. Ghasemi and A. Hashemi and H. Vikalo and U. Topcu}, Booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)}, Year = {2020}, Organization = {IEEE}, Keywords = {RT2} } @InProceedings{gao_2020_deep, Title = {Deep Imitative Reinforcement Learning for Temporal Logic Robot Motion Planning with Noisy Semantic Observations}, Author = {Q. Gao and M. Pajic and M. M. Zavlanos}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Robotics and Automation ({ICRA})}, Year = {2020}, Address = {Paris, France}, Keywords = {RT2, jointPI} } @Article{proxray19, Title = {{ProXray: Protocol Model Learning and Guided Firmware Analysis}}, Author = {F. Fowze and G. Hernandez and D. Tian and K. Butler and T. Yavuz}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, Year = {2019}, Month = aug, Note = {\em Accepted for publication.}, Keywords = {RT6} } @InProceedings{211, Title = {Certifying Optimality in Hybrid Control Systems via Lyapunov-like Conditions}, Author = {F. Ferrante and R. G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {11th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2019)}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2} } @Article{189, Title = {L2 State Estimation with Guaranteed Convergence Speed in the Presence of Sporadic Measurements}, Author = {F. Ferrante and F. Gouaisbaut and R. G. Sanfelice and S. Tarbouriech}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, Year = {to appear}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3, RT4} } @InProceedings{Feng.Dixon.ea2019, Title = {Optimal Jammer Placement in the Real Plane to Partition a Wireless Network}, Author = {J. Feng and W. E. Dixon and T. Wong and J. Shea}, Booktitle = {IEEE Wirel. Commun. and Netw. Conf.}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT3, jointPI} } @InProceedings{Elfar.Zhu.ea2019, Title = {Security-Aware Synthesis of Human-UAV Protocols}, Author = {M. Elfar and H. Zhu and M. L. Cummings and M. Pajic}, Booktitle = {IEEE Int.Conf. Robot. Auto.}, Year = {2019}, Pages = {8011-8017}, Keywords = {RT5} } @InProceedings{elfar_cav19, Title = {Security-Aware Synthesis Using Delayed-Action Games}, Author = {Elfar, Mahmoud and Wang, Yu and Pajic, Miroslav}, Booktitle = {Computer Aided Verification (CAV)}, Year = {2019}, Pages = {180--199}, Publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, ISBN = {978-3-030-25540-4}, Keywords = {RT2,RT5} } @InBook{Dixon2020, Title = {Encyclopedia of Systems and Control}, Author = {W. E. Dixon}, Chapter = {Intermittent Image-Based Estimation}, Editor = {J. Baillieul and T. Samad}, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = {2020}, Pages = {}, Keywords = {RT1} } @InBook{Dixon.RLEnc.toappear, author = {W. E. Dixon}, editor = {J. Baillieul and T. Samad}, chapter = {Reinforcement Learning for Approximate Optimal Control}, pages = {1-5}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Encyclopedia of Systems and Control}, year = {2020}, keywords = {RT2, Optimal, NN, Learning, robotpub, theory} } @Article{Deptula.Chen.ea2020, author = {P. Deptula and H.-Y. Chen and R. Licitra and J. Rosenfeld and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Robotics}, title = {Approximate Optimal Motion Planning to Avoid Unknown Moving Avoidance Regions}, year = {2020}, number = {2}, pages = {414-430}, volume = {36}, keywords = {RT2}, url1 = {}, } @Article{Deptula.Bell.ea2020, author = {P. Deptula and Z. Bell and E. Doucette and W. J. Curtis and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {Automatica}, title = {Data-Based Reinforcement Learning Approximate Optimal Control for an Uncertain Nonlinear System with Control Effectiveness Faults}, year = {2020}, month = {June}, pages = {1-10}, volume = {116}, keywords = {Optimal, NN, Learning, robotpub, theory, RT2, jointAF}, url1 = {}, } @InProceedings{cubuktepe2020policy, Title = {Policy Synthesis for Factored MDPs with Graph Temporal Logic Specifications}, Author = {M. Cubuktepe and Z. Xu and U. Topcu}, Booktitle = {Proc. International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS)}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT2, RT3} } @InProceedings{201, Title = {Set-Based Predictive Control for Collision Detection and Evasion}, Author = {J. Crowley and Y. Zeleke and B. Altin and R.G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2} } @InProceedings{asiaccs19-choi, Title = {{A Hybrid Approach to Secure Function Evaluation Using SGX}}, Author = {J. Choi and D. Tian and G. Hernandez and C. Patton and B. Mood and T. Shrimpton and P. Traynor and K. Butler}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'19)}, Year = {2019}, Address = {Auckland, New Zealand}, Month = {July}, Keywords = {RT6} } @Article{chai2018forward, Title = {Forward Invariance of Sets for Hybrid Dynamical Systems (Part I)}, Author = {J. Chai and R. Sanfelice}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, Year = {2018}, Number = {6}, Pages = {2426--2441}, Volume = {64}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2}, Publisher = {IEEE} } @InProceedings{194, Title = {Adaptive Backstepping of Synergistic Hybrid Feedbacks with Application to Obstacle Avoidance}, Author = {P. Casau and R. G. Sanfelice and C. Silvestre}, Booktitle = {American Control Conference}, Year = {2019}, Pages = {1730-1735}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2} } @InProceedings{bozkurt_2020_control, Title = {Control {Synthesis} from {Linear} {Temporal} {Logic} {Specifications} using {Model}-{Free} {Reinforcement} {Learning}}, Author = {A. Bozkurt and Y. Wang and M. M. Zavlanos and M. Pajic}, Booktitle = {{International} {Conference} on {Robotics} and {Automation} ({ICRA})}, Year = {2020}, Address = {Paris, France}, Month = may, Keywords = {RT2, jointPI} } @InProceedings{dyspan19_sc2, Title = {Reinforcement Learning for Mixed Cooperative/Competitive Dynamic Spectrum Access}, Author = {C. Bowyer and D. Greene and T. Ward and M. Menendez and J. Shea and T. Wong}, Booktitle = {Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN)}, Year = {2019}, Address = {Newark, New Jersey}, Month = {Nov.}, Pages = {1--6}, Keywords = {RT2, RT3} } @InProceedings{blondin20, Title = {An Algorithm for Multi-Agent Multi-Objective Optimization}, Author = {M. Blondin and M. T. Hale}, Booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT3, RT4} } @InProceedings{Bh2018, Title = {Strategy Synthesis for Surveillance-Evasion Games with Learning-Enabled Visibility Optimization}, Author = {S. Bharadwaj and L. Ly and B. Wu and R. Tsai and U. Topcu}, Booktitle = {IEEE Conference and Decision and Control (CDC)}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT2,RT3,RT6} } @InProceedings{196, Title = {An Algorithm to Generate Solutions to Hybrid Dynamical Systems with Inputs and Applications to Series Interconnections}, Author = {P. Bernard and R. G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, Year = {2019}, Pages = {2996-3001}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2, RT3, RT4} } @Article{209, Title = {Hybrid Dynamical Systems with Hybrid Inputs: Definition of Solutions and Applications to Interconnections}, Author = {P. Bernard and R.G. Sanfelice}, Journal = {International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1, RT4} } @InProceedings{Bell.Harris.ea2019, Title = {Structure and Velocity Estimation of a Moving Object via Synthetic Persistence by a Network of Stationary Cameras}, Author = {Z. I. Bell and C. Harris and R. Sun and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, Year = {2019}, Address = {Nice, Fr}, Month = {Dec.}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3}, Owner = {wdixon} } @PhdThesis{Bell2019, Title = {Target Tracking In Unknown Environments Using a Monocular Camera Subject To Intermittent Sensing}, Author = {Z. Bell}, School = {University of Florida}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1} } @InProceedings{193, Title = {On Model Predictive Control for Hybrid Dynamical Systems}, Author = {B. Altin and R. G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle = {American Control Conference}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2, RT4} } @inproceedings{gohari20c, author={P. Gohari and {M.T.} Hale and U. Topcu}, title={Privacy-Preserving Policy Synthesis in {M}arkov Decision Processes}, booktitle={IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, year={2020}, keywords={RT2, RT6, jointPI} } @inproceedings{hawkins20, author={C. Hawkins and {M.T.} Hale}, title={Differentially Private Formation Control}, booktitle={IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, year={2020}, keywords={RT6}, } @inproceedings{hendrickson20, author={K. Hendrickson and {M.T.} Hale}, title={Towards Totally Asynchronous Primal-Dual Convex Optimization in Blocks}, booktitle={IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, year={2020}, keywords={RT3, RT4}, } @article{hale19, author={B. Bjorkman and {M.T.} Hale and T. Lamkin and B. Robinson and C. Thompson}, title={Non-Asymptotic Connectivity of Random Graphs and Their Unions}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (TCNS)}, year={2021}, volume={8}, number={1}, pages={391-399}, keywords={RT3, RT4, jointAF} } @inproceedings{wang_csf21, author = {Y. Wang and S. Nalluri and B. Bonakdarpour and M. Pajic}, title = {Statistical Model Checking for Probabilistic Hyperproperties}, booktitle ={34th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)}, year = {2021}, Keywords= {RT5} } @InProceedings{elfar_atva20, author={M. Elfar, Y. Wang, and M. Pajic}, title="Context-Aware Temporal Logic for Probabilistic Systems", booktitle={18?? International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA)}, year={2020}, Keywords= {RT2} } @Article{Rosenfeld2021, author = {J. A. Rosenfeld and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal.}, title = {Convergence Rate Estimates for the Kernelized Predictor Corrector Method for Fractional Order Initial Value Problems}, year = {2021}, number = {6}, pages = {1879-1898}, volume = {24}, keywords = {RT2, theory}, url1 = {}, } @InProceedings{Greene.Dupuis.2021ea, author = {M. Greene and M. DuPuis and J. Cloud and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {AIAA SciTech Forum}, title = {Simultaneous Trajectory Tracking Control and Online Mass Estimation for a Regolith Excavating Robot via Integral Concurrent Learning}, year = {2021}, keywords = {RT2, robotpub, aeropub}, } @InProceedings{Harris.R.Sun.ea2020, author = {C. Harris and Z. Bell and R. Sun and E. Doucette and J. W. Curtis and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Target Tracking in the Presence of Intermittent Measurements by a Network of Mobile Cameras}, year = {2020}, keywords = {robotpub,vision estimation,Runhan, networkpub, RT3, RT2, jointAF}, } @InProceedings{Le.Luo.ea2020, author = {D. Le and X. Luo and L. Bridgeman and M. Zavlanos and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Single-Agent Indirect Herding of Multiple Targets using Metric Temporal Logic Switching}, year = {2020}, keywords = {robotpub, RT1, RT2, DucLePub, jointPI}, } @InProceedings{Greene.Abudia.ea2020, author = {M. Greene and M. Abudia and R. Kamalapurkar and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Feedback Control of Switched Systems}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Optimal, NN, Learning, robotpub, theory, RT2, RT1}, } @InBook{Dixon.RobustRobot.2020, author = {W. E. Dixon}, editor = {M. H. Ang and O. Khatib and B. Siciliano}, chapter = {Robust Control}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Encyclopedia of Robotics}, year = {2020}, Pages = {}, keywords = {Robotpub, RT1}, } @Article{RianoRios.Bevilacqua.ea2020, author = {C. Riano-Rios and R. Bevilacqua and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {Acta Astronautica}, title = {Differential Drag-Based Multiple Spacecraft Maneuvering and On-Line Parameter Estimation Using Integral Concurrent Learning}, year = {2020}, month = sep, pages = {189-203}, volume = {174}, keywords = {aeropub, RT2, jointPI}, url1 = {}, } @Article{Bell.Nezvadovitz.ea2020, author = {Z. Bell and J. Nezvadovitz and A. Parikh and E. Schwartz and W. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE J. Ocean Eng.}, title = {Global Exponential Tracking Control for an Autonomous Surface Vessel: An Integral Concurrent Learning Approach}, year = {2020}, month = apr, number = {2}, pages = {362-370}, volume = {45}, keywords = {RT2, jointAF}, url1 = {}, } @inproceedings{ghasemi2020identifying, title={Identifying Sparse Low-Dimensional Structures in {M}arkov Chains: {A} Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Approach}, author={Ghasemi, Mahsa and Hashemi, Abolfazl and Vikalo, Haris and Topcu, Ufuk}, booktitle={American Control Conference (ACC)}, pages={1093--1098}, year={2020}, organization={IEEE}, keywords = {RT5}, } @inproceedings{noonefitzcoy2020, title={High Value Asset Protection Through Swarm-Facilitated State Obfuscation and Resource Sharing}, author={T. J. Noone and N. G. Fitz-Coy}, booktitle={AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Virtual Lake Tahoe Conference}, year={2020}, keywords = {RT3}, } @InProceedings{Isaly.Patil.ea2021, author = {A. Isaly and O. Patil and R. Sanfelice and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, title = {Adaptive Safety With Multiple Barrier Functions Using Integral Concurrent Learning}, year = {2021}, keywords = {RT2, jointPI, learning, theory}, } @InProceedings{Zegers.Phillips.ea2021, author = {F. Zegers and S. Phillips and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, title = {Consensus over Clustered Networks with Asynchronous Inter-Cluster Communication}, year = {2021}, keywords = {networkpub, RT3, jointAF, RT1}, } @InProceedings{Greene.Bell.ea2021, author = {M. Greene and Z. Bell and S. Nivison and J. How and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, title = {Cooperative Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Approximate Optimal Tracking}, year = {2021}, keywords = {RT2, RT3, jointAF, learning, theory}, } @InProceedings{Greene.Deptula.ea2019, Title = {Reinforcement Learning with Sparse Bellman Error Extrapolation for Infinite-Horizon Approximate Optimal 32 Regulation}, Author = {M. L. Greene and P. Deptula and S. Nivison and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, Year = {2019}, Address = {Nice, Fr}, Pages = {1959-1964}, Month = {Dec.}, Keywords = {RT2, jointAF}, Owner = {wdixon} } @InProceedings{Greene.Abudia.ea2020, author = {M. Greene and M. Abudia and R. Kamalapurkar and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Feedback Control of Switched Systems}, pages = {162-167}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Optimal, NN, Learning, robotpub, theory, RT2, RT1}, } @InProceedings{Sun.Bell.ea2020, author = {R. Sun and Z. Bell and F. Zegers and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, title = {A Switched Systems Approach to Unknown Environment Exploration with Intermittent State Feedback for Nonholonomic Systems}, year = {2020}, Pages = {5275-5280}, keywords = {RT1, jointAF}, } @Article{Sun.RianoRios.ea2021, author = {R. Sun and C. Riano-Rios and R. Bevilacqua and N. G. Fitz-Coy and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {AIAA J. Guid. Control Dyn.}, title = {CubeSat Adaptive Attitude Control with Uncertain Drag Coefficient and Atmospheric Density}, year = {2021}, pages = {379-388}, number = {2}, volume = {44}, keywords = {RT2, aeropub, Runhan, jointPI}, url1 = {}, } @InProceedings{Sun.Harris.ea2020, author = {R. Sun and C. Harris and Z. Bell and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Relay-Explorer Approach for Multi-Agent Exploration of an Unknown Environment with Intermittent Communication}, pages = {5218-5223}, year = {2020}, keywords = {RT1, RT3, jointAF}, } @InProceedings{Le.Chen.ea2020, author = {D. Le and H.-Y. Chen and A. R. Teel and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {IFAC World Congr.}, title = {Path Following with Stable and Unstable Modes Subject to Time-Varying Dwell-Time Conditions}, year = {2020}, keywords = {RT1, theory, Robotpub, DucLePub}, } @InProceedings{Le.Luo.ea2020, author = {D. Le and X. Luo and L. Bridgeman and M. Zavlanos and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Single-Agent Indirect Herding of Multiple Targets using Metric Temporal Logic Switching}, pages = {1398-1403}, year = {2020}, keywords = {robotpub, RT1, RT2, DucLePub, jointPI}, } @Article{Chen.Bell.ea2018, Title = {A Switched Systems Framework for Path Following with Intermittent State Feedback}, Author = {H.-Y. Chen and Z. I. Bell and P. Deptula and W. E. Dixon}, Journal = {IEEE Control Syst. Lett.}, Year = {2018}, Month = oct, Number = {4}, Pages = {749-754}, Volume = {2}, Keywords = {RT1, jointAF}, Owner = {wdixon}, Timestamp = {2018.06.01}, Url1 = {} } @InProceedings{Zegers.Hale.ea2020, author = {F. Zegers and M. Hale and J. M. Shea and W. E. Dixon}, title = {Reputation-Based Event-Triggered Formation Control and Leader Tracking with Resilience to Byzantine Adversaries}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, year = {2020}, pages = {761-766}, keywords = {RT3, jointPI, RT1, RT5}, } @Article{Sargolzaei.Crane.ea2020, author = {A. Sargolzaei and C. D. Crane and K. Yazdani and A. Abbaspour and W. E. Dixon}, title = {Detection and Mitigation of False Data Injection Attacks in Networked Control Systems}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Indus. Inform.}, year = {2020}, volume = {16}, number = {6}, pages = {4281--4292}, keywords = {RT1, RT5, RT3}, } @Article{RianoRios.Sun.ea2021, author = {C. Riano-Rios and R. Sun and R. Bevilacqua and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {Acta Astronautica}, title = {Aerodynamic and Gravity Gradient Attitude Control for CubeSats in the Presence of Environmental and Spacecraft Uncertainties}, year = {2021}, pages = {439-450}, volume = {180}, keywords = {RT2, aeropub, Runhan, jointPI}, url1 = {}, } @Article{Deptula.Bell.ea2020, author = {P. Deptula and Z. Bell and E. Doucette and W. J. Curtis and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {Automatica}, title = {Data-Based Reinforcement Learning Approximate Optimal Control for an Uncertain Nonlinear System with Control Effectiveness Faults}, year = {2020}, month = {June}, pages = {1-10}, volume = {116}, keywords = {Optimal, NN, Learning, robotpub, theory, RT2, jointAF}, url1 = {}, } @InProceedings{Greene.RianoRios.ea2020, Title = {Approximate Optimal Orbit Transfer of Non-cooperative Debris}, Author = {M. Greene and C. Riano-Rios and R. Bevilacqua and N. Fitz-Coy and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {Proc. AIAA SciTech Forum}, Year = {2020}, Keywords = {jointPI, RT2} } @InProceedings{Deptula.Bell.ea2018a, Title = {Single Agent Indirect Herding via Approximate Dynamic Programming}, Author = {P. Deptula and Z. I. Bell and F. Zegers and R. Licitra and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, Year = {2018}, Month = dec, Pages = {7136-7141}, Keywords = {jointAF, RT2} } @InProceedings{Deptula.Bell.ea2018, Title = {Data-Based Reinforcement Learning Approximate Optimal Control for an Uncertain Nonlinear System with Partial Loss of Control Effectiveness}, Author = {P. Deptula and Z. I. Bell and E. Doucette and J. W. Curtis and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, Year = {2018}, Pages = {2521-2526}, Keywords = {jointAf, RT2}, Owner = {wdixon}, Timestamp = {2018.01.22} } @InProceedings{242, author = {A. Saoud and M. Maghenem and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, month = {May}, title = {The Rate of Descent for the Hybrid Gradient Algorithm}, year = {2021}, Keywords = {RT1} } @InProceedings{241, author = {D. Hustig-Schultz and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, month = {May}, title = {Uniting Nesterov{\textquoteright}s Accelerated Gradient Descent and the Heavy Ball Method for Uniform Global Asymptotic Stability}, year = {2021}, Keywords = {RT1} } @InProceedings{240, author = {M. Maghenem and A. Taylor and A. D. Ames and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, month = {May}, title = {Adaptive Safety Using Control Barrier Functions and Hybrid Adaptation}, year = {2021}, Keywords = {RT1} } @InProceedings{238, author = {D. Kooi and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, month = {May}, title = {A Self-Triggered Control Strategy to Guarantee Forward Invariance}, year = {2021}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3} } @article{237, author = {J. I. Poveda and M. Benosman and A. R. Teel and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {Robust Coordinated Hybrid Source Seeking with Obstacle Avoidance in Multi-Vehicle Autonomous Systems}, year = {to appear}, Keywords = {RT1} } @article{236, author = {M. Maghenem and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {Automatica}, title = {Sufficient Conditions for Forward Invariance and Contractivity in Hybrid Inclusions using Barrier Functions}, year = {2021}, Keywords = {RT1} } @InProceedings{235, author = {D. Hustig-Schultz and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Int. Symp. Math. Theory Netw. Syst.}, month = {August}, title = {A Hybrid Algorithm for Practical Nonconvex Optimization}, year = {2021}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3} } @InProceedings{234, author = {B. Altin and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, month = {December}, title = {Semicontinuity Properties of Solutions and Reachable Sets of Nominally Well-Posed Hybrid Dynamical Systems}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1} } @InProceedings{233, author = {P. Bernard and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, month = {December}, title = {On Notions of Detectability and Observers for Hybrid Systems}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1} } @InProceedings{232, author = {S. Jimenez and F. Ferrante and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, month = {December}, title = {Upper Bounds and Cost Evaluation in Dynamic Two-player Zero-Sum Games}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3} } @InProceedings{231, author = {A. Isaly and B. Allen and R. G. Sanfelice and W. Dixon}, booktitle = {IFAC Conf. Cyber-Phys. Human-Syst.}, month = {December}, title = {Zeroing Control Barrier Functions for Safe Volitional Pedaling in a Motorized Cycle}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1, jointPI} } @article{230, author = {J. Chai and P. Casau and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {Int. J. of Robust Nonlinear Control}, month = {April}, title = {Analysis and Design of Event-triggered Control Algorithms using Hybrid Systems Tools}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3} } @InProceedings{229, author = {R. Merco and F. Ferrante and R. G. Sanfelice and P. Pisu}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, month = {July}, pages = {3331-3336}, title = {LMI-Based Output Feedback Control Design in the Presence of Sporadic Measurements}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3} } @InProceedings{228, author = {B. Altin and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, month = {July}, pages = {1791-1796}, title = {Model Predictive Control for Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Sufficient Conditions for Asymptotic Stability with Persistent Flows or Jumps}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1} } @InProceedings{227, author = {H. Gao and M. Maghenem and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, month = {July}, pages = {1037-1042}, title = {Hybrid Predictive Control for Tracking in a Single-Phase DC/AC Inverter with an Unknown Load}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1} } @InProceedings{226, author = {M. Maghenem and B. Altin and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, month = {July}, pages = {1031-1036}, title = {Regularity Properties of Reachability Maps for Hybrid Dynamical Systems with Applications to Safety}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1} } @InProceedings{225, author = {M. Guarro and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, month = {July}, pages = {1025-1030}, title = {HyNTP: An Adaptive Hybrid Network Time Protocol for Clock Synchronization in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2, RT3} } @InProceedings{224, author = {M. Maghenem and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Am. Control Conf.}, month = {July}, pages = {937-942}, title = {Lipschitzness of Minimal-Time Functions in Constrained Continuous-Time Systems with Applications to Reachability Analysis}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1} } @article{223, author = {J. Chai and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {IEEE Trans. on Autom. Control}, title = {Forward Invariance of Sets for Hybrid Dynamical Systems (Part II)}, year = {to appear}, Keywords = {RT1} } @InProceedings{222, author = {M. Guarro and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {IFAC World Congr.}, month = {July}, title = {An Adaptive Hybrid Control Approach to Sender-Receiver Clock Synchronization}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3} } @InProceedings{221, author = {A. Melis and R. G. Sanfelice and L. Marconi}, booktitle = {IFAC World Congr.}, month = {July}, title = {A Hybrid Control Algorithm for Gradient-Free Optimization using Conjugate Directions}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1, RT3} } @book{220, address = {New Jersey}, author = {R.G. Sanfelice}, organization = {Princeton University Press}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, title = {Hybrid Feedback Control}, year = {2021}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2, RT3} } @article{219, author = {B. P. Malladi and E.A. Butcher and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {J. Guid., Control, and Dyn.}, title = {Rigid Body Pose Hybrid Control Using Dual Quaternions: Global Asymptotic Stabilization and Robustness}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1} } @article{218, author = {H. Han and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {Nonlinear Anal.: Hybrid Syst.}, title = {Linear Temporal Logic for Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Characterizations and Sufficient Conditions}, volume = {36}, year = {2020}, Keywords = {RT1, RT2} } @article{blondin21, title={A Decentralized Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm}, author={Blondin, Maude J and Hale, Matthew}, journal={J. Optim. Theory App.}, pages={1--28}, year={2021}, publisher={Springer}, keywords={RT3,RT4} } @ARTICLE{gohari21, author={P. {Gohari} and B. {Wu} and C. {Hawkins} and M. {Hale} and U. {Topcu}}, journal={IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics and Secur.}, title={Differential Privacy on the Unit Simplex via the Dirichlet Mechanism}, year={2021}, volume={16}, number={}, pages={2326-2340}, keywords={RT6,jointPI} } @article{ubl19b, author={M. Ubl and {M.T.} {Hale}}, journal={IEEE Trans. Control Netw. Syst.}, title={Totally Asynchronous Large-Scale Quadratic Programming: Regularization, Convergence Rates, and Parameter Selection}, year={2021}, volume={8}, number={3}, pages={1465-1476}, keywords={RT3,RT4} } @article{luo_automatica21, author={X. Luo and M. Pajic and M. Zavlanos}, title = {An optimal graph-search method for secure state estimation}, journal = {Automatica}, volume = {123}, pages = {109323}, year = {2021}, Keywords = {RT5, jointPI} } @article{jakovljevic_tii21, author={Z. {Jakovljevic} and V. {Lesi} and M. {Pajic}}, journal={IEEE Trans. on Ind. Inform.}, title={Attacks on Distributed Sequential Control in Manufacturing Automation}, year={2021}, volume={17}, number={2}, pages={775-786}, doi={10.1109/TII.2020.2987629}, Keywords = {RT5} } @inproceedings{bozkurt_icra20, title={Control synthesis from linear temporal logic specifications using model-free reinforcement learning}, author={Bozkurt, Alper Kamil and Wang, Yu and Zavlanos, Michael M and Pajic, Miroslav}, booktitle={IEEE Int. Conf. on Robot. Autom. (ICRA)}, pages={10349--10355}, year={2020}, organization={IEEE}, Keywords = {RT2, jointPI} } @inproceedings{wang_icra20, title={Hyperproperties for Robotics: Planning via HyperLTL}, author={Wang, Yu and Nalluri, Siddhartha and Pajic, Miroslav}, booktitle={IEEE Int. Conf. on Robot. Autom. (ICRA)}, pages={8462--8468}, year={2020}, organization={IEEE}, Keywords = {RT2,RT6} } @inproceedings{gao_icra20, title={Deep Imitative Reinforcement Learning for Temporal Logic Robot Motion Planning with Noisy Semantic Observations}, author={Gao, Qitong and Pajic, Miroslav and Zavlanos, Michael M}, booktitle={IEEE Int. Conf. on Robot. Autom. (ICRA)}, pages={8490--8496}, year={2020}, organization={IEEE}, Keywords = {RT2, jointPI} } @inproceedings{zarei_hscc20, author = {Zarei, Mojtaba and Wang, Yu and Pajic, Miroslav}, title = {Statistical Verification of Learning-Based Cyber-Phys. Systems}, year = {2020}, isbn = {9781450370189}, doi = {10.1145/3365365.3382209}, booktitle = {Int. Conf. Hybrid Syst.: Comput. Control}, articleno = {12}, numpages = {7}, series = {HSCC'20}, Keywords = {RT1,RT2} } @INPROCEEDINGS{bozkurt_icra21a, author={Bozkurt, Alper Kamil and Wang, Yu and Zavlanos, Michael M. and Pajic, Miroslav}, booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, title={Model-Free Reinforcement Learning for Stochastic Games with Linear Temporal Logic Objectives}, year={2021}, volume={}, number={}, pages={10649-10655}, doi={10.1109/ICRA48506.2021.9561989}, Keywords = {RT2, jointPI} } @inproceedings{bozkurt_icra21b, title={Secure Planning Against Stealthy Attacks via Model-Free Reinforcement Learning}, author={Bozkurt, Alper Kamil and Wang, Yu and Pajic, Miroslav}, booktitle={IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Autom. (ICRA)}, pages={10656-10662}, doi={10.1109/ICRA48506.2021.9560940}, year={2021}, organization={IEEE}, Keywords = {RT2,RT5} } @inproceedings{wang_iccps21, author = {Wang, Yu and Zarei, Mojtaba and Bonakdarpoor, Borzoo and Pajic, Miroslav}, title = {Probabilistic Conformance for Cyber-Physical Systems}, year = {2021}, isbn = {9781450383530}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 12th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems}, pages = {55-66}, numpages = {12}, Keywords = {RT1,RT2}, } @inproceedings{elfar_atva20, title={Context-Aware Temporal Logic for Probabilistic Systems}, author={Elfar, Mahmoud and Wang, Yu and Pajic, Miroslav}, booktitle={Int. Symp. Autom. Tech. Verif. Anal.}, pages={215--232}, year={2020}, organization={Springer}, Keywords = {RT2} } @inproceedings{kim_diss20, author = {K. Kim, S. Nalluri, A. Kashinath, Y. Wang, S. Mohan, M. Pajic, and B. Li}, title = {Security Analysis Against Spoofing Attacks for Distributed UAVs}, booktitle ={Workshop Decent. IoT Syst. and Secur. (DISS)}, year = {2020}, pages={1-6}, Keywords = {RT5,RT3} } @ARTICLE{9351619, author={M. O. {Karabag} and M. {Ornik} and U. {Topcu}}, journal={IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title={Deception in Supervisory Control}, year={2021}, volume={67}, number={2}, pages={738-753}, doi={10.1109/TAC.2021.3057991}, keywords = {RT5, RT6} } @inproceedings{cubuktepe2021robust, author= {Cubuktepe, Murat and Jansen, Nils and Junges, Sebastian and Marandi, Ahmadreza and Suilen, Marnix and Topcu, Ufuk}, title= {{Robust Finite-State Controllers for Uncertain POMDPs}}, booktitle = {AAAI Conf. Artif. Intell.}, organization={AAAI}, year= {2021}, keywords = {RT2} } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/atal/Cubuktepe0T20, author= {Murat Cubuktepe and Zhe Xu and Ufuk Topcu}, title= {{Policy Synthesis for Factored MDPs with Graph Temporal Logic Specifications}}, booktitle = {Int. Conf. Auton. Agents Multiagent Syst.}, pages= {267--275}, year= {2020}, keywords = {RT4} } @inproceedings{ghasemi2021multiple, title={{Multiple Plans are Better than One: Diverse Stochastic Planning}}, author={Ghasemi, Mahsa and Crafts, Evan Scope and Zhao, Bo and Topcu, Ufuk}, booktitle={Int. Conf. Autom. Plan. Sched. (ICAPS)}, year={2021}, keywords = {RT6} } @inproceedings{215, title = {Sufficient Conditions for Satisfaction of Formulas with Until Operators in Hybrid Systems}, booktitle = {Conf. Hybrid Syst.: Comput. Control}, year = {2020}, month = {April}, keywords = {RT1, RT2}, author = {H. Han and M. Maghenem and R. G. Sanfelice} } @inproceedings{ghasemi2021online, title={{Online Learning with Implicit Exploration in Episodic Markov Decision Processes}}, author={Ghasemi, Mahsa and Hashemi, Abolfazl and Vikalo, Haris and Topcu, Ufuk}, booktitle={Am. Control Conf.}, year={2021}, keywords = {RT5} } @inbook{216, title = {Hybrid Model Predictive Control}, booktitle = {Encycl. Syst. Control}, year = {2020}, publisher = {Springer}, organization = {Springer}, author = {R.G. Sanfelice}, keywords={RT1} } @inproceedings{garcia2021, title = {Brittle {{Features}} of {{Device Authentication}}}, booktitle = {ACM Conf. on Data Appl. Secur. Priv. (ACM CODASPY)}, author = {Garcia, Washington and Chhotary, Animesh and Choi, Joseph and Adari, Suman and Butler, Kevin and Jha, Somesh}, year = {2021}, keywords = {RT6} } @article{david-john2021, title = {A Privacy-Preserving Approach to Streaming Eye-Tracking Data}, author = {{David-John}, Brendan and Hosfelt, Diane and Butler, Kevin and Jain, Eakta}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.}, year = {2021}, keywords = {RT6} } @article{Zegers.Deptula.ea.2022, url1 = {}, keywords = {networkpub, RT1, RT3, JointPI}, volume = {67}, pages = {1356-1370}, number = {3}, month = {mar}, year = {2022}, title = {Event/Self-Triggered Approximate Leader-Follower Consensus with Resilience to Byzantine Adversaries}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, author = {F. Zegers and P. Deptula and J. Shea and W. E. Dixon}, } @InProceedings{Zegers.Deptula.ea2019, Title = {Event-Triggered Approximate Leader-Follower Consensus with Resilience to Byzantine Adversaries}, Author = {F. M. Zegers and P. Deptula and J. M. Shea and W. E. Dixon}, Booktitle = {IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, Pages = {6412-6417}, Year = {2019}, Address = {Nice, Fr}, Month = {Dec.}, Keywords = {RT3, RT5} } @article{lesi_tcps20, author = {Lesi, Vuk and Jovanov, Ilija and Pajic, Miroslav}, title = {Integrating Security in Resource-Constrained Cyber-Phys. Systems}, year = {2020}, issue_date = {May 2020}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, journal = {ACM Trans. Cyber-Phys. Syst.}, month = may, articleno = {28}, numpages = {27}, Keywords = {RT5} } @INPROCEEDINGS{khazraei_acc20, author={A. {Khazraei} and M. {Pajic}}, booktitle={Am. Control Conf.}, title={Perfect Attackability of Linear Dynamical Systems with Bounded Noise}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={749-754}, Keywords = {RT5} } @article{LuoTRO2021_TL_RRT, title = {An Abstraction-Free Method for Multi-Robot Temporal Logic Optimal Control Synthesis}, journal = {IEEE Trans. on Robot.}, author = {X. Luo and Y. Kantaros and M. M. Zavlanos}, Volume = {37}, Number = {5}, pages = {1487-1507}, month = {October}, year = {2021}, keywords = {RT2,RT3} } @article{PaternainTSP2020_OnlineLearning, title = {Distributed Constrained Online Learning}, journal = {IEEE Trans. on Signal Process.}, author = {S. Paternain and S. Lee and M. M. Zavlanos and A. Ribeiro}, Volume = {68}, Number = {}, month = {June}, year = {2020}, url = {}, note = {}, keywords = {RT2,RT3} } @article{KantarosIJRR2020_STyLuS, Author = {Y. Kantaros and M. M. Zavlanos}, Title = {{STyLuS*}: {A} Temporal Logic Optimal Control Synthesis Algorithm for Large-Scale Multi-Robot Systems}, Journal = {Int. J. of Robot. Res.}, Volume = {39}, Number = {7}, Pages = {812--836}, Month = {June}, Year = {2020}, keywords = {RT2,RT3} } @inproceedings{ZhangICCPS2020_CausalRL, Author = {Y. Zhang and M. M. Zavlanos}, Title = {Transfer Reinforcement Learning under Unobserved Contextual Information}, Booktitle = {ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. on Cyber-Phys. Syst. (ICCPS)}, Address = {Sydney, Australia}, Month = {April}, Year = {2020}, pages = {75-86}, keywords = {RT2} } @inproceedings{LuoICCPS2020_Humans, Author = {X. Luo and Y. Zhang and M. M. Zavlanos}, Title = {Socially-Aware Robot Planning via Bandit Human Feedback}, Booktitle = {ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. on Cyber-Phys. Syst. (ICCPS)}, Pages = {216-225}, Address = {Sydney, Australia}, Month = {April}, Year = {2020}, keywords = {RT2} } @article{wu2021byzantine, title={Byzantine-Resilient Distributed Hypothesis Testing With Time-Varying Network Topology}, author={B. Wu and S. Carr and S. Bharadwaj and Z. Xu and U. Topcu}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year={2021}, publisher={IEEE}, Keywords = {RT5} } @inproceedings{carr2021safe, author = {S. Carr and N. Jansen and S. Bharadwaj and M.T. J. Spaan and U. Topcu}, title = {Safe Policies for Factored Partially Observable Stochastic Games}, booktitle = {Robotics: Science and Systems}, year = {2021}, Keywords = {RT2} } @inproceedings{carr2021decentralized, author = {S. Carr and J. Quattrociocchi and S. Bharadwaj and S.J. Spencer and A. Parikh and C.C. Young and S.P. Buerger and B. Wu and U. Topcu}, title = {Decentralized Classification with Assume-Guarantee Planning}, booktitle = {International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)}, year = {2021}, organization={IEEE}, Keywords = {RT2,RT6} } @article{RET2021, title={Adapting to the Behavior of Environments with Bounded Memory}, volume={346}, ISSN={2075-2180}, DOI={10.4204/eptcs.346.4}, journal={Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science}, publisher={Open Publishing Association}, author={D. Raju and R. Ehlers and U. Topcu}, year={2021}, month={Sep}, pages={52--66}, Keywords= {RT2,RT6} } @article{hibbard2020minimizing, title={Minimizing the Information Leakage Regarding High-Level Task Specifications}, author={M. Hibbard and Y. Savas and Z. Xu and U. Topcu}, journal={IFAC-PapersOnLine}, volume={53}, number={2}, pages={15388--15395}, year={2020}, publisher={Elsevier}, Keywords = {RT6} } @article{savas2021deceptive, title={Deceptive Decision-Making Under Uncertainty}, author={Y. Savas and C. K. Verginis and U. Topcu}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.06740}, year={2021}, Keywords = {RT6} } } @article{savas2021minimizing, title={On Minimizing Total Discounted Cost in MDPs Subject to Reachability Constraints}, author={Y. Savas and C. K. Verginis and M. Hibbard and U. Topcu}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, volume={69}, number={9}, pages={6466-6473}, year={2024}, Keywords = {RT2,RT6}, } @article{karabag2021identity, title={Identity Concealment Games: How I Learned to Stop Revealing and Love the Coincidences}, author={M. O. Karabag and M. Ornik and U. Topcu}, journal={Automatica}, volume={69}, year={2024}, pages = {111482}, Keywords = {RT6}, } @inproceedings{LiuL4DC2021_CausalRL, Author = {C. Liu and Y. Zhang and Y. Shen and M. M. Zavlanos}, Title = {Learning without Knowing: Unobserved Context in Continuous Transfer Reinforcement Learning}, Booktitle = {3rd Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC)}, Pages = {791-802}, Address = {ETH Zurich, Switzerland}, Month = {June}, Year = {2021}, Note = {}, keywords = {RT2} } @inproceedings{ZhouCDC2021_HumanRobot, Author = {Y. Zhou and Y. Zhang and X. Luo and M. M. Zavlanos}, Title = {Online Semi-Supervised Bayesian Optimization for Socially-Aware Trajectory Planning}, Booktitle = {60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Pages = {}, Address = {Austin, TX}, Month = {December}, Year = {2021}, Note = {to appear}, keywords = {RT2,RT3} } @article{ZhangTAC2020_DOCO, title = {Distributed Online Convex Optimization with Improved Dynamic Regret}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, author = {Y. Zhang and R. Ravier and V. Tarokh and M. M. Zavlanos}, Volume = {}, Number = {}, month = {}, year = {to appear}, keywords = {RT3} } @Article{Isaly.Allen.ea2021, author = {A. Isaly and B. C. Allen and R. G. Sanfelice and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {Front. Robot. {AI}}, title = {Encouraging Volitional Pedaling in {FES}-Assisted Cycling Using Barrier Functions}, year = {2021}, note = {Special Issue on Safety in Collaborative Robotics and Autonomous Systems}, pages = {1-13}, volume = {8}, keywords = {FES, NMES, BrendonAllenPub, RT1}, } @article{Sargolzaei.Allen.ea2022, url1 = {}, keywords = {BrendonAllenPub, networkpub, RT1, RT3}, volume = {18}, pages = {2693-2703}, number = {4}, year = {2022}, title = {Lyapunov-Based Control of a Nonlinear Multi-Agent System with a Time-Varying Input Delay under False-Data-Injection Attacks}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Ind. Inf.}, author = {A. Sargolzaei and B. C. Allen and C. Crane and W. E. Dixon}, } @inbook{Greene.Deptula.ea2021, keywords = {theory, learning, ADP, RT2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-60990-0_5}, title = {Handbook of Reinforcement Learning and Control}, isbn = {978-3-030-60990-0}, address = {Cham}, year = {2021}, chapter = {Mixed Density Methods for Approximate Dynamic Programming}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, pages = {139--172}, editor = {K. G. Vamvoudakis and Y. Wan and F. Lewis and D. Cansever}, author = {M. L. Greene and P. Deptula and R. Kamalapurkar and W. E. Dixon}, } @article{Deptula.Bell.ea2021, url1 = {}, keywords = {Optimal, NN, Learning, robotpub, theory, RT2, jointAF}, volume = {134}, pages = {1-13}, month = {dec}, year = {2021}, title = {Approximate Optimal Influence Over an Agent Through an Uncertain Interaction Dynamic}, journal = {Automatica}, author = {P. Deptula and Z. Bell and F. Zegers and R. Licitra and W. E. Dixon}, } @article{Zegers.Hale.ea2021, url1 = {}, keywords = {networkpub, jointPI, jointAF}, volume = {8}, pages = {1417-1429}, number = {3}, year = {2021}, title = {Event-Triggered Formation Control and Leader Tracking with Resilience to Byzantine Adversaries: A Reputation-Based Approach}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Netw. Syst.}, author = {F. Zegers and M. Hale and J. Shea and W. E. Dixon}, } @article{Edwards.Le.ea2021, url1 = {}, keywords = {robotpub, DucLePub, RT1}, volume = {6}, pages = {4449-4456}, number = {3}, year = {2021}, title = {A Topologically Inspired Path-Following Method with Intermittent State Feedback}, journal = {IEEE Robot. Automat. Lett.}, author = {S. Edwards and D. Le and D. Guralnik and W. E. Dixon}, } @article{Bell.Deptula.ea2021, url1 = {}, keywords = {RT1, RT2, robotpub, vision estimation, learning, jointAF}, volume = {66}, pages = {4252-4258}, number = {9}, year = {2021}, title = {Simultaneous Estimation of Euclidean Distances to a Stationary Object's Features and the Euclidean Trajectory of a Monocular Camera}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, author = {Z. I. Bell and P. Deptula and E. A. Doucette and J. W. Curtis and W. E. Dixon}, } @article{RianoRios.Bevilacqua.ea2021, url1 = {}, keywords = {RT2, aeropub, jointPI}, volume = {181}, pages = {733-740}, month = {apr}, year = {2021}, title = {Adaptive Control For Differential Drag-Based Rendezvous Maneuvers with an Unknown Target}, journal = {Acta Astronautica}, author = {C. Riano-Rios and R. Bevilacqua and W. E. Dixon}, } @inproceedings{Kanellopoulos.Fotiadis.ea2021, keywords = {RT2, RT1, jointPI, theory, RT5}, year = {2021}, title = {Temporal-Logic-Based Intermittent, Optimal, and Safe Continuous-Time Learning for Trajectory Tracking}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, author = {A. Kanellopoulos and F. Fotiadis and C. Sun and Z. Xu and K. G. Vamvoudakis and U. Topcu and W. E. Dixon}, } @inproceedings{Zegers.Guralnik.ea2021, keywords = {networkpub, RT1, RT3, jointAF}, year = {2021}, title = {Event/Self-Triggered Multi-Agent System Rendezvous with Graph Maintenance}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, author = {F. M. Zegers and D. P. Guralnik and W. E. Dixon}, } @inproceedings{bozkurt_cdc21, author={Bozkurt, Alper Kamil and Wang, Yu and Pajic, Miroslav}, booktitle={2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, title={Model-Free Learning of Safe yet Effective Controllers}, year={2021}, volume={}, number={}, pages={6560-6565}, doi={10.1109/CDC45484.2021.9683634}, Keywords = {RT2, jointPI} } @article{khazraei_automatica22, title = {Attack-resilient state estimation with intermittent data authentication}, journal = {Automatica}, volume = {138}, pages = {110035}, year = {2022}, author = {A. Khazraei and M. Pajic}, Keywords = {RT5} } @ARTICLE{lesi_tase21, author={V. Lesi and S. Nalluri and Z. Jakovljevic and M. Pajic}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering}, title={Security-Analysis for Distributed IoT-Based Industrial Automation}, year={2021}, volume={19}, number={4}, pages={1-16}, keywords = {RT5} } @inproceedings{247, title = {Towards Hybrid Model Predictive Control for Computationally Aware Satellite Applications}, booktitle = {Workshop on Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems, CPSWeek}, year = {2021}, keywords = {RT1,RT2,RT3,jointAF}, author = {C. Petersen and S. Phillips and D. Hustig-Schultz and R.G. Sanfelice} } @inproceedings{256, author = {R. S. Johnson and A. Saoud and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, month = {December}, title = {Robust Finite-Time Parameter Estimation for Linear Dynamical Systems Regular Papers}, year = {2021} } @inproceedings{255, author = {R. S. Johnson and S. Di Cairano and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, month = {December}, title = {Parameter Estimation for Hybrid Dynamical Systems using Hybrid Gradient Descent}, year = {2021} } @inproceedings{254, author = {M. Ghanbarpour and R.G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, month = {December}, title = {A Duality Approach to Set Invariance and Safety for Nonlinear Systems}, year = {2021} } @inproceedings{253, author = {N. Risso and B. Altin and R.G. Sanfelice and J. Sprinkle}, booktitle = {Proceedings IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, keywords = {RT1,RT2,RT3}, month = {December}, title = {Set-Valued Model Predictive Control}, year = {2021} } @inproceedings{252, author = {K. Hendrickson and D. Hustig-Schultz and M. Hale and R.G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, keywords = {RT1,RT2,jointPI}, month = {December}, title = {Exponentially Converging Distributed Gradient Descent with Intermittent Communication via Hybrid Methods}, year = {2021}} @inproceedings{251, author = {W.P.M.H. Heemels and P. Bernard and K. Scheres and R.G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, keywords = {RT1,RT3}, month = {December}, title = {Hybrid Systems with Continuous-Time Inputs: Subtleties in Solution Concepts and Existence Results}, year = {2021}} @inproceedings{250, author = {P. Bernard and R.G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, month = {December}, title = {A Local Hybrid Observer for a Class of Hybrid Dynamical Systems with Linear Maps and Unknown Jump Times}, year = {2021}} @article{249, title = {On the Robustness of Nominally Well-Posed Event-Triggered Controllers}, journal = {IEEE Control Systems Letters}, volume = {6}, pages = {415-420}, year = {2021}, author = {P. Casau and R.G.Sanfelice and C. Silvestre}, keywords = {RT1,RT2,RT3}, } @inproceedings{247_2, author = {J. Sprinkle and N. Risso and B. Altin and R.G.Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, month = {July}, title = {Challenges in Set-Valued Model-Predictive Control}, year = {2021}} @inproceedings{245, author = {A. Saoud and R.G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, month = {July}, title = {Computation of Controlled Invariants for Nonlinear Systems: Application to Safe Neural Networks Approximation and Control}, year = {2021}} @inproceedings{244, author = {R. S. Johnson and B. Altin and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, month = {July}, title = {Hybrid Adaptive Control for the DC-DC Boost Converter}, year = {2021}} @inproceedings{243, author = {A. Saoud and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the American Control Conference}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, month = {May}, title = {A Robust Hybrid Finite Time Parameter Estimator with Relaxed Persistence of Excitation Condition}, year = {2021}} @article{yazdani21, author={K. Yazdani and M. Hale}, journal={IEEE Control Systems Letters}, title={Asynchronous Parallel Nonconvex Optimization Under the Polyak-{\L}ojasiewicz Condition}, year={2022}, volume={6}, pages={524-529}, keywords={RT3,RT4} } @inproceedings{chen21, author={B. Chen and C. Hawkins, Calvin and Yazdani, Kasra and M. Hale}, title={Edge differential privacy for algebraic connectivity of graphs}, booktitle={IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, year={2021}, keywords={RT3,RT4} } @inproceedings{hendrickson21b, author={Hendrickson, Katherine and Hustig-Schultz, Dawn and M. Hale and R. Sanfelice}, title={Asynchronous Distributed Gradient Descent with Exponential Convergence Rate via Hybrid Methods}, booktitle={IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, year={2021}, keywords={RT1,RT4,jointPI} } @Article{Patil.Isaly.ea2022, author = {O. Patil and A. Isaly and B. Xian and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Control Syst. Lett.}, title = {Exponential Stability with RISE Controllers}, year = {2022}, pages = {1592-1597}, volume = {6}, keywords = {RT2, theory, RISE}, url1 = {}, } @inproceedings{9500983, author={J. Shea and T. F. Wong}, booktitle={ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications}, title={A Deep Q-Learning Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Experiment}, year={2021}, pages={1--6}, keywords={RT2, RT3} } @INPROCEEDINGS{sun_icra22, author={S. Sun and Y. Zhang and X. Luo and P. Vlantis and M. Pajic and M. Zavlanos}, booktitle={2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, title={Formal Verification of Stochastic Systems with ReLU Neural Network Controllers}, year={2022}, volume={}, number={}, pages={6800-6806}, keyword={jointPI}, doi={10.1109/ICRA46639.2022.9811866}, keywords = {RT2,jointPI} } @inproceedings{ShenCDC2021_AsynchZO, Author = {Y. Shen and Y. Zhang and S. Nivison and Z. I. Bell and M. M. Zavlanos}, Title = {Asynchronous Zeroth-Order Distributed Optimization with Residual Feedback}, Booktitle = {60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Pages = {}, Address = {Austin, TX}, Month = {December}, Year = {2021}, Note = {}, keywords = {RT3,jointAF} } @inproceedings{davidjohn2022, Author = {B. David-John and K. Butler and E. Jain}, Title = {For Your Eyes Only: Privacy-preserving eye-tracking datasets}, Booktitle = {ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA)}, Year = {2022}, Month = {jun}, Location = {Seattle, WA, USA}, keywords = {RT2, RT5} } @Article{Patil.Sun.ea2022, author = {O. Patil and R. Sun and S. Bhasin and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {Adaptive Control of Time-Varying Parameter Systems with Asymptotic Tracking}, year = {2022}, keywords = {DNN, RT2, theory, AI, Runhan}, pages = {4809-4815}, volume = {67}, number = {9}, } @Article{Sargolzaei.Zegers.ea.2023, author = {A. Sargolzaei and F. M. Zegers and A. Abbaspour and C. D. Crane and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {Secure Control Design for Networked Control Systems with Nonlinear Dynamics under Time-Delay-Switch Attacks}, year = {2023}, month = feb, number = {2}, pages = {798-811}, volume = {68}, keywords = {RT3, RT5, networkpub}, owner = {wdixon}, url1 = {}, } @phdthesis{Zegers2021, url1 = {}, keywords = {networkpub, RT1, RT3}, year = {2021}, school = {University of Florida}, author = {F. Zegers}, title = {Lyapunov-Based Control of Distributed Multi-Agent Systems With Intermittent Communication}, } @inproceedings{Isaly.Mamaghani.ea.2022, keywords = {theory, RT1, jointPI}, month = {jun}, year = {2022}, title = {On the Feasibility and Continuity of Feedback Controllers Defined by Multiple Control Barrier Functions}, booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, author = {A. Isaly and M. G. Mamaghani and R. G. Sanfelice and W. E. Dixon}, } @inproceedings{Guralnik.Stiller.ea.2022, owner = {wdixon}, keywords = {RT3, jointAF, networkpub}, month = {jun}, year = {2022}, title = {Distributed Cooperative Navigation with Communication Graph Maintenance using Single-Agent Navigation Fields}, booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, author = {D. Guralnik and P. Stiller and F. Zegers and W. E. Dixon}, } @inproceedings{Le.Patil.ea.2022, owner = {wdixon}, keywords = {RT2, robotpub, learning, theory, DucLePub}, month = {jun}, year = {2022}, title = {Integral Concurrent Learning-Based Accelerated Gradient Adaptive Control of Uncertain Euler-Lagrange Systems}, booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, author = {D. M. Le and O. S. Patil and P. Amy and W. E. Dixon}, } @inproceedings{Greene.Deptula.ea.2022, owner = {wdixon}, keywords = {jointAF, RT2, Hypersonic, aeropub, theory, learning, ADP}, note = {AIAA 2022-0613}, month = {jan}, year = {2022}, title = {Model-Based Approximate Optimal Feedback Control of a Hypersonic Vehicle}, booktitle = {AIAA SCITECH}, author = {M. L. Greene and P. Deptula and B. Bialy and W. E. Dixon}, } @article{Patil.Le.ea2022, url1 = {}, keywords = {DNN, RT2, theory, AI, DucLePub}, volume = {6}, pages = {1855-1860}, year = {2022}, title = {Lyapunov-Derived Control and Adaptive Update Laws for Inner and Outer Layer Weights of a Deep Neural Network}, journal = {IEEE Control Syst Lett.}, author = {O. Patil and D. Le and M. Greene and W. E. Dixon}, } @inproceedings {hallyburton_security22, author = {R. Spencer Hallyburton and Yupei Liu and Yulong Cao and Z. Morley Mao and Miroslav Pajic}, title = {Security Analysis of {Camera-LiDAR} Fusion Against {Black-Box} Attacks on Autonomous Vehicles}, booktitle = {31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22)}, year = {2022}, pages = {1903--1920}, url1 = {}, keywords = {RT5}, } @inproceedings{khazraei_iccps22, author = {Khazraei, Amir and Hallyburton, Spencer and Gao, Qitong and Wang, Yu and Pajic, Miroslav}, title = {Learning-Based Vulnerability Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems}, booktitle ={2022 ACM/IEEE 13th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS)}, year = {2022}, volume={}, number={}, pages={259-269}, doi={10.1109/ICCPS54341.2022.00030}, Keywords = {RT2, RT5} } @inproceedings{gao_iclr22, author = {Q. Gao and D. Wang and J. Amason and S. Yuan and C. Tao and R. Henao and M. Hadziahmetovic and L. Carin and M. Pajic}, title = {Gradient Importance Learning for Incomplete Observations}, booktitle ={10th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)}, year = {2022}, pages={}, Keywords = {RT2} } @INPROCEEDINGS{wang_acc22, author={Y. Wang and Q. Gao and M. Pajic}, booktitle={2022 American Control Conference (ACC)}, title={Learning Monotone Dynamics by Neural Networks}, year={2022}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1485-1490}, Keywords = {RT2, jointPI} } @inproceedings{karabag2022planninf, title={Planning Not to Talk: Multiagent Systems that are Robust to Communication Loss}, author={M. Karabag and C. Neary and U. Topcu}, booktitle={(Accepted to) Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS)}, year={2022}, Keywords = {RT3} } @phdthesis{hendrickson22phd, author = {K. Hendrickson}, title = {Asynchronous multi-agent optimization: Distributed algorithms for contested environments}, school = {University of Florida}, year = 2022, address = {Gainesville, FL, USA}, month = 8, Keywords = {RT3, RT6} } @phdthesis{yazdani22phd, author = {K. Yazdani}, title = {Distributed decision-making: Algorithms for privacy and optimization}, school = {University of Florida}, year = 2022, address = {Gainesville, FL, USA}, month = 5, Keywords = {RT3, RT6} } @inproceedings{hale_caadcps_2022, author = {M. Hale and R. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {2022 2nd International Workshop on Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems (CAADCPS)}, title = {Challenges in Optimization-Based Control}, year = {2022}, pages = {17-18}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, Keywords = {RT3, jointPI} } @inproceedings{ubl_cdc_2022, author={M. Ubl and M.T. Hale}, title={Faster Asynchronous Nonconvex Block Coordinate Descent with Locally Chosen Stepsizes}, booktitle={61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, year={2022}, Keywords = {RT3, jointPI} } @inproceedings{broshkevitch_scitech_2023, author={A. Broshkevitch and A. Hancock and A. Peters and M. Kim and M. Anderson and H. Briggs and J. Colombi and M. Hale and K. Volle and P. Ganesh and J. Ramos}, title={An Autonomous System for the Rapid Airfield Damage Repair Mission}, year={2023}, booktitle={AIAA SciTech}, Keywords = {RT3} } @article{parker_iotj_2021, author={K. Parker and M.T. Hale and P. Barooah}, title={Spectral Differential Privacy: Application to Smart Meter Data}, journal={IEEE Internet of Things Journal}, year={2022}, volume={9}, number={7}, pages={4987-4996}, Keywords = {RT6} } @InProceedings{stolte_miccai_2022, author={S. E. Stolte and K. Volle and A. Indahlastari and A. Albizu and A. Woods and K. Brink and M. Hale and R. Fang}, editor="Wang, Linwei and Dou, Qi and Fletcher, P. Thomas and Speidel, Stefanie and Li, Shuo", title="DOMINO: Domain-Aware Model Calibration in Medical Image Segmentation", booktitle="Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2022", year="2022", publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland", pages="454--463", Keywords = {jointAF} } @article{yazdani_tac_2022, author={K. Yazdani and A. Jones and K. Leahy and M.T. Hale}, title={Differentially Private LQ Control}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year={2022}, Keywords = {RT6} } @article{hendrickson_tcns_2022, author={K. Hendrickson and M.T. Hale}, title={Totally Asynchronous Primal-Dual Convex Optimization in Blocks}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (TCNS)}, year={2022}, Keywords = {RT6, RT3} } @article{hendrickson_jgcd_2022, author={K. Hendrickson and P. Ganesh and K. Volle and P. Buzaud and K. Brink and M.T. Hale}, title={Decentralized Weapon-Target Assignment under Asynchronous Communications}, journal={Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics}, year={2022}, Keywords = {RT6, RT3, jointAF} } @article{270, title={Robust Output Feedback Control Design in the Presence of Sporadic Measurements}, journal={To appear in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year={2023}, month={June}, author={R. Merco and F. Ferrante and R. G. Sanfelice and P. Pisu}, Keywords={RT1, RT3} } @article{262, title={On the Converse Safety Problem for Differential Inclusions: Solutions, Regularity, and Time-Varying Barrier Functions}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, volume={68}, year={2023}, month={January}, author={M. Maghenem and R. G. Sanfelice}, Keywords={RT1, RT5} } @article{259, title={Explaining the mystery of periodicity in inter-transmission times in two-dimensional event-triggered controlled system}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year={2023}, volume={68}, number={2}, author={R. Postoyan and R. G. Sanfelice and W. P. M. H. Heemels}, Keywords={RT1, RT3} } @article{272, title={A Switching-based Moving Target Defense Against Sensor Attacks in Control Systems}, journal={Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems}, year={2022}, author={J. Giraldo and A. Cardenas and R. G. Sanfelice}, Keywords={RT1, RT3, RT6} } @InProceedings{271, title={Sampling-Based Computation of Viability Domain to Prevent Safety Violations by Attackers}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications}, year={2022}, month={August}, keywords={computational methods, cyberphysical systems, cybersecurity}, author={K. Garg and A. A. Cardenas and R. G. Sanfelice}, Keywords={RT1, RT6} } @InProceedings{269, title={Optimality and Stability in Two-Player Zero-Sum Hybrid Games}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control}, year={2022}, month={May}, author={S. Jimenez and R. G. Sanfelice}, Keywords={RT1, RT2, RT3} } @InProceedings{268, title={A Set-based Motion Planning Algorithm for Aerial Vehicles in the Presence of Obstacles Exhibiting Hybrid Dynamics}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications}, year={2022}, month={August}, keywords={RT1}, author={A. Ames and N. Wang and R. G. Sanfelice} } @InProceedings{266, title={Reference Governor for Hybrid Dynamical Systems}, booktitle={Proceedings of the American Control Conference}, year={2022}, month={June}, keywords={RT1}, author = {R. G. Sanfelice and S. Di Cairano} } @InProceedings{265, title={Hysteresis-Based RL: Robustifying Reinforcement Learning-Based Control Policies Via Hybrid Control}, booktitle={Proceedings of the American Control Conference}, year={2022}, month={June}, keywords={RT2, RT1}, author={J. de Priester and R. G. Sanfelice and N. V. D. Wouw} } @InProceedings{264, title={Global Asymptotic Stability of Nonlinear Systems While Exploiting Properties of Uncertified Feedback Controllers Via Opportunistic Switching}, booktitle={Proceedings of the American Control Conference}, year={2022}, month={June}, keywords={RT1}, author={P. K. Wintz and R. G. Sanfelice and J.P. Hespanha} } @InProceedings{263, title={A Class of Hybrid Geometric Controllers for Robust Global Asymptotic Stabilization on S1}, booktitle={Proceedings of the American Control Conference}, year={2022}, month={June}, keywords={RT1}, author={A. Akhtar and R. G. Sanfelice} } @article{260, title={Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Nonincrease of Functions of Solutions to Constrained Differential Inclusions}, journal={To appear in ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations}, year={2022}, keywords={RT1}, author={M. Maghenem and A. Melis and R. G. Sanfelice} } @article{258, title={Observer Design for Hybrid Dynamical Systems with Approximately Known Jump Times}, journal={Automatica}, volume = {141}, year={2022}, keywords={RT1}, author={P. Bernard and R. G. Sanfelice} } @article{248, title={Hysteresis-based Switching Observers for Linear Systems Using Quadratic Boundedness}, journal={Automatica}, volume={136}, year={2022}, month={Fabruary}, keywords={RT1, RT2}, author={A. Alessandri and R.G Sanfelice} } @inproceedings{garcia_disentangling_2022, author = {W. Garcia and H. Clouse and K. Butler}, title = {Disentangling {Categorization} in {Multi}-agent {Emergent} {Communication}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2022 {Conference} of the {North} {American} {Chapter} of the {Association} for {Computational} {Linguistics}: {Human} {Language} {Technologies}}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, address = {Seattle, United States}, month = jul, year = {2022}, pages = {4523--4540}, keywords={RT3, RT6, jointAF}, } @inproceedings{Aborizk22, author = {A. Aborizk and S. Nivision and N. Fitz-Coy}, title = {Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking of Spacecraft using Hierarchical Model Based Reinforcement Learning}, booktitle = {{AAS/AIAA} Astrodynamics Specialist Conference}, year = {2022}, keywords={RT2, jointAF}, } @inproceedings{hibbard2022randomized, title={Randomized Greedy Algorithms for Sensor Selection in Large-Scale Satellite Constellations}, author={M. Hibbard and A. Hashemi and T. Tanaka and U. Topcu}, booktitle={2023 American Control Conference, under review}, year={2022}, keywords={RT2}, } @article{yu2022inverse, title={Inverse Matrix Games with Unique Quantal Response Equilibrium}, author={Y. Yu and J. Salfity and D. Fridovich-Keil and U. Topcu}, journal={IEEE Control Systems Letters, accepted}, keywords={RT2}, year={2022} } @article{chen2022relationship, title={Relationship Design for Socially Desirable Behavior in Static Games}, author={S. Chen and Y. Bayiz and D. Fridovich-Keil and Y. Yu and U. Topcu}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, under review}, keywords={RT2, RT5}, year={2022} } @inproceedings{yu2022inverse2, title={Cost Design in Atomic Routing Games}, author={Y. Yu and S. Chen and D. Fridovich-Keil and U. Topcu}, booktitle={2023 American Control Conference}, keywords={RT2}, pages={1704-1709}, year={2023}, } @Article{Zegers.Deptula.ea.2023, author = {F. Zegers and P. Deptula and H.-Y. Chen and A. Isaly and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Robot.}, title = {A Switched Systems Approach to Multi-Agent System Consensus: A Relay-Explorer Perspective}, year = {2023}, number = {1}, pages = {605-624}, volume = {39}, keywords = {robotpub, RT2, RT3, networkpub}, url1 = {}, } @Article{Zegers.Sun.ea23, author = {F. Zegers and R. Sun and G. Chowdhary and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {Distributed State Estimation with Deep Neural Networks for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems under Event-Triggered Communication}, year = {2023}, keywords = {robotpub, Runhan, AI, RT2, RT3, networkpub}, number = {5}, pages = {3107-3114}, volume = {68}, keywords = {robotpub, RT2, RT3, networkpub}, url1 = {}, } @Article{Greene.Deptula.ea23, author = {M. L. Greene and P. Deptula and S. Nivison and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {Approximate Optimal Trajectory Tracking with Sparse Bellman Error Extrapolation}, year = {2023}, volume = {68}, number = {6}, pages = {3618-3624}, keywords = {RT2, adaptive, theory}, url1 = {}, } @Article{Bell.Sun.ea.2023, author = {Z. Bell and R. Sun and K. Volle and P. Ganesh and S. Nivison and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Control Syst. Lett.}, title = {Target Tracking Subject to Intermittent Measurements using Attention Deep Neural Networks}, year = {2023}, keywords = {RT2, Runhan, jointAF, robotpub}, volume = {7}, pages = {379-384}, owner = {wdixon}, } @InProceedings{Makumi.Greene.ea2023, author = {W. Makumi and M. Greene and Z. Bell and B. Bialy and R. Kamalapurkar and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {AIAA SciTech}, title = {Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning and Gain Scheduling-based Control of a Hypersonic Vehicle}, year = {2023}, keywords = {ADP, RL, RT2, jointAF, aeropub}, } @PhdThesis{Sun.2022, author = {R. Sun}, school = {University of Florida}, title = {Data-Based Learning for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Intermittent State Feedback}, year = {2022}, keywords = {RT2, Runhan, AI, Learning}, owner = {wdixon}, } @PhdThesis{Greene.2022, author = {M. Greene}, school = {University of Florida}, title = {Nonsmooth Data-Based Reinforcement Learning for Online Approximate Optimal COntrol}, year = {2022}, keywords = {RT2, RT1, Theory, RL, AI}, owner = {wdixon}, } @InProceedings{Zegers.Guralnik.ea.2022, author = {F. Zegers and D. Guralnik and S. Edwards and C.-L. Lee and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Event-Triggered Consensus for Second-Order Systems: A Hybrid Systems Perspective}, year = {2022}, keywords = {networkpub, RT1, RT3}, owner = {wdixon}, } @InProceedings{Le.Patil.ea.2022a, author = {D. M. Le and O. S. Patil and C. Nino and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Accelerated Gradient Approach For Neural Network-based Adaptive Control Of Nonlinear Systems}, year = {2022}, keywords = {AI, RT2, learning, theory, DucLePub}, owner = {wdixon}, } @InProceedings{Patil.Stubbs.ea.2022, author = {O. S. Patil and K. Stubbs and P. Amy and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Exponential Stability with RISE Controllers for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Time-Varying State Delays}, year = {2022}, keywords = {RT2, learning, theory, delay}, owner = {wdixon}, } @InProceedings{Griffis.Isaly.ea.2022, author = {E. Griffis and A. Isaly and D. M. Le and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Deep Neural Network-Based Adaptive FES-Cycling Control: Part II, A Hybrid Systems Approach}, year = {2022}, keywords = {AI, RT2, learning, theory, DucLePub, FES, RT1}, owner = {wdixon}, } @InProceedings{Patil.Le.ea.2022, author = {O. S. Patil and D. M. Le and E. Griffis and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Deep Residual Neural Network {(ResNet)}-Based Adaptive Control: A {L}yapunov-Based Approach}, year = {2022}, keywords = {AI, RT2, learning, theory, DucLePub}, owner = {wdixon}, } @Article{Sun.Bharadwaj.ea23, author = {R. Sun and S. Bharadwaj and Z. Xu and U. Topcu and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {Automatica}, title = {Reactive Synthesis for Relay-Explorer Consensus with Intermittent Communication}, year = {2023}, keywords = {RT3, RT2, networkpub, jointPI, robotpub, Runhan}, volume = {154}, pages = {111057}, owner = {wdixon}, url1 = {}, } @Article{Greene.Bell.ea.2023, author = {M. Greene and Z. Bell and S. Nivison and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {Deep Neural Network-based Approximate Optimal Tracking for Unknown Nonlinear Systems}, year = {2023}, keywords = {jointAF, AI, RT2, Learning, ADP, theory. optimal}, volume = {68}, number = {5}, pages = {3171-3177}, owner = {wdixon}, url1 = {}, } @Article{Ghanbarpour.Isaly.2023, author = {M. Ghanbarpour and A. Isaly and R. G. Sanfelice and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Control Syst. Lett.}, title = {Optimal Safety for Constrained Differential Inclusions using Nonsmooth Control Barrier Functions}, year = {2023}, keywords = {RT1, RT3, theory, jointPI}, volume = {7}, pages = {1303-1308}, owner = {wdixon}, url1 = {}, } @Article{Le.Greene.ea2021, author = {D. Le and M. Greene and W. Makumi and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Control Syst. Lett.}, title = {Real-Time Modular Deep Neural Network-Based Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems}, year = {2022}, pages = {476-481}, volume = {6}, keywords = {RT2, robotpub, learning, theory, DucLePub}, url1 = {}, } @Article{Sun.Greene.ea2021, author = {R. Sun and M. Greene and D. Le and Z. Bell and G. Chowdhary and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Control Syst. Lett.}, title = {Lyapunov-Based Real-Time and Iterative Adjustment of Deep Neural Networks}, year = {2022}, pages = {193-198}, volume = {6}, keywords = {RT2, robotpub, learning, theory, Runhan, DucLePub}, url1 = {}, } @InProceedings{Griffis.Patil.ea.2023, author = {E. Griffis and O. Patil and W. Makumi and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {IFAC World Congr.}, title = {Deep Recurrent Neural Network-Based Observer for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems}, year = {2023}, keywords = {RT2, theory, learning, AI}, } @InProceedings{Makumi.Greene.ea2023a, author = {W. Makumi and M. Greene and Z. Bell and S. Nivison and R. Kamalapurkar and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {IFAC World Congr.}, title = {Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning-based Supervisory Control of Unknown Nonlinear Systems}, year = {2023}, keywords = {jointAF, RT2, Learning, AI, Theory}, } @InProceedings{Nino.Zegers.ea.2023, author = {C. F. Nino and F. Zegers and S. Phillips and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, title = {Consensus over Clustered Networks Using Output Feedback and Asynchronous Inter-Cluster Communication}, year = {2023}, keywords = {networkpub, RT3, jointAF}, owner = {wdixon}, } @InProceedings{garcia2023, title = {Less Is {{More}}: {{Dimension Reduction Finds On-Manifold Adversarial Examples}} in {{Hard-Label Attacks}}}, booktitle = {First {{IEEE Conference}} on {{Secure}} and {{Trustworthy Machine Learning}}}, author = {Washington Garcia and Pin-Yu Chen and Hamilton Scott Clouse and Somesh Jha and Kevin R. B. Butler}, year = {2023}, keywords = {RT2, RT5, jointAF}, } @InProceedings{garcia2022, title = {Disentangling {{Categorization}} in {{Multi-agent Emergent Communication}}}, booktitle = {Conference of the {{North American Chapter}} of the {{Association}} for {{Computational Linguistics}} ({{NAACL}})}, author = {Garcia, Washington and Clouse,, Hamilton Scott and Butler, Kevin R B}, year = {2022}, address = {{Seattle, WA, USA}}, keywords = {RT3, RT5, jointAF}, } @article{david-john2023a, title = {Privacy-Preserving Datasets of Eye-Tracking Samples with Applications in {{XR}}}, author = {B. {David-John} and K. Butler and E. Jain}, year = {2023}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics}, volume = {29}, number = {5}, pages = {2774--2784}, issn = {1941-0506}, doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2023.3247048}, keywords = {RT2, RT5}, } @inproceedings{Petersen2023safe, title={Safe and Constrained Redezvous, Proximity Operations, and Docking}, author={C. Petersen and R. Caverly and S. Phillips and A. Weiss}, booktitle={2023 American Control Conference}, year={2023}, keywords = {jointAF}, } @inproceedings{ubl23, title={Linear Regularizers Enforce the Strict Saddle Property}, author={Matthew Ubl and Kasra Yazdani and Matthew T. Hale}, year={2023}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, note={In press}, keywords={RT2} } @article{pond23, title={Fast verification of control barrier functions via linear programming}, author={Pond, Ellie and Hale, Matthew}, journal={IFAC-PapersOnLine}, volume={56}, number={2}, pages={10595--10600}, year={2023}, keywords={RT2} } @inproceedings{fina23, title={Distributed asynchronous large-scale mixed-integer linear programming via saddle point computation}, author={Luke Fina and Matthew T. Hale}, year={2023}, booktitle={Proceedings of 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control}, note={Accepted; to appear}, keywords={RT2,RT4} } @article{behrendt23, title={A Totally Asynchronous Algorithm for Time-Varying Convex Optimization Problems}, author={Behrendt, Gabriel and Hale, Matthew}, journal={IFAC-PapersOnLine}, volume={56}, number={2}, pages={5203--5208}, year={2023}, keywords={RT4} } @article{behrendt23b, title={Autonomous Satellite Rendezvous and Proximity Operations with Time-Constrained Sub-Optimal Model Predictive Control}, author={Behrendt, Gabriel and Soderlund, Alexander and Hale, Matthew and Phillips, Sean}, journal={IFAC-PapersOnLine}, volume={56}, number={2}, pages={9380--9385}, year={2023}, keywords={RT2,jointAF} } @article{chen23, title={Differential Privacy for Symbolic Systems with Application to Markov Chains}, author={Bo Chen and Kevin Leahy and Austin Jones and Matthew Hale}, year={2023}, journal={Automatica}, note={In press}, keywords={RT6} } @InProceedings{chen23b, title = {Differential Privacy in Cooperative Multiagent Planning}, author = {Chen, Bo and Hawkins, Calvin and Karabag, Mustafa O. and Neary, Cyrus and Hale, Matthew and Topcu, Ufuk}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence}, pages = {347--357}, year = {2023}, editor = {Evans, Robin J. and Shpitser, Ilya}, volume = {216}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, keywords = {RT2,RT6,jointPI} } @article{chen23c, title={The bounded Gaussian mechanism for differential privacy}, author={Chen, Bo and Hale, Matthew}, journal={Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality}, year={2023}, note={To appear}, keywords{RT6}, } @inproceedings{gao_iclr23, author={Qitong Gao and Ge Gao and Min Chi and Miroslav Pajic}, title = {Variational Latent Branching Model for Off-Policy Evaluation}, booktitle ={11th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT2}, } @inproceedings{khazraei_icra23, author = {A. Khazraei and H. Meng and M. Pajic}, title = {Stealthy Perception-based Attacks on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles}, booktitle ={IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT5}, } @inproceedings{hallyburton_iccps23, author = {R. S. Hallyburton and S. Zhang and M. Pajic}, title = {AVstack: An Open-Source, Reconfigurable Platform for Autonomous Vehicle Development}, booktitle ={2023 ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS)}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT5} } @InProceedings{khazraei_l4dc22, title = {Resiliency of Perception-Based Controllers Against Attacks}, author = {A. Khazraei and H. Pfister and M. Pajic}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The 4th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference}, pages = {713--725}, year = {2022}, editor = {Firoozi, Roya and Mehr, Negar and Yel, Esen and Antonova, Rika and Bohg, Jeannette and Schwager, Mac and Kochenderfer, Mykel}, volume = {168}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, url1 = {}, keywords={RT5} } @INPROCEEDINGS{khazraei_cdc22, author={A. Khazraei and M. Pajic}, booktitle={2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, title={Resiliency of Nonlinear Control Systems to Stealthy Sensor Attacks}, year={2022}, pages={7109-7114}, keywords={RT5}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{hallyburton_cdc22, author={R. S. Hallyburton and A. Khazraei and M. Pajic}, booktitle={2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, title={Optimal Myopic Attacks on Nonlinear Estimation}, year={2022}, pages={5480-5485}, keywords={RT2,RT5}, } @inproceedings{gao_ijcai22, title={A reinforcement learning-informed pattern mining framework for multivariate time series classification}, author={G. Gao and Q. Gao and X. Yang and M. Pajic and M. Chi}, booktitle={International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)}, year={2022}, keywords={RT2}, } @inproceedings{WangICML2022_RiskGames, Author = {Z. Wang and Y. Shen and M. M. Zavlanos}, Title = {Risk-Averse No-Regret Learning in Online Convex Games}, Booktitle = {39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)}, Series = {Proc. of Machine Learning Research (PMLR)}, Editor = {K. Chaudhuri and S. Jegelka and L. Song and C. Szepesvari and G. Niu and S. Sabato}, Volume = {162}, Pages = {22999-23017}, Address = {Baltimore, MD}, Month = {July}, Year = {2022}, keywords = {RT2} } @inproceedings{WangCDC2022_Momentum_RiskGames, Author = {Z. Wang and Y. Shen and Z. I. Bell and S. Nivison and M. M. Zavlanos and K. H. Johansson}, Title = {A Zeroth-Order Momentum Method for Risk-Averse Online Convex Games}, Booktitle = {61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Address = {Cancun, Mexico}, Month = {December}, Year = {2022}, keywords = {RT3,jointPI, jointAF, RT2} } @article{LuoTRO2022_LTL_MRTA, title = {Temporal Logic Task Allocation in Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Robotics}, author = {X. Luo and M. M. Zavlanos}, volume = {38}, number = {6}, pages = {3602--3621}, month = {December}, year = {2022}, note = {}, keywords = {RT2, RT3} } @inproceedings{ShenCDC2022_Causal_MAB, Author = {Y. Shen and J. Dunn and M. M. Zavlanos}, Title = {Risk-Averse Multi-Armed Bandits with Unobserved Confounders: A Case Study in Emotion Regulation in Mobile Health}, Booktitle = {61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Pages = {}, Address = {Cancun, Mexico}, Month = {December}, Year = {2022}, keywords = {RT3, RT5, RT6} } @article{yu2022proportional, title={Proportional--integral projected gradient method for conic optimization}, author={Y. Yu and P. Elango and U. Topcu and B. Ackmese}, journal={Automatica}, volume={142}, pages={110359}, year={2022}, publisher={Elsevier}, keywords = {RT2} } @ARTICLE{9807351, author={Y. Yu and P. Elango and B. Ackmese and U. Topcu}, journal={IEEE Control Systems Letters}, title={Extrapolated Proportional-Integral Projected Gradient Method for Conic Optimization}, year={2023}, volume={7}, number={}, pages={73-78}, keywords = {RT2} } @article{djeumou2022probabilistic, title={Probabilistic control of heterogeneous swarms subject to graph temporal logic specifications: A decentralized and scalable approach}, author={F. Djeumou and Z. Xu and M. Cubuktepe and U. Topcu}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year={2022}, keywords = {RT3, RT2} } @article{karabag2022exploiting, title={Exploiting Partial Observability for Optimal Deception}, author={Mustafa Karabag and Melkior Ornik and Ufuk Topcu}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year={2022}, volume={68}, number={7}, pages={4443-4450}, keywords = {RT6}, } @inproceedings{yang_gohari_topcu_2023, title={On the privacy risks of deploying recurrent neural networks in machine learning models}, author={Y. Yang and P. Gohari and U. Topcu}, Booktitle ={Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies}, year={2023}, pages={68-84}, keywords = {RT2} } @article{sanfeliceS231, title={{H}y{NTP}: A Distributed Hybrid Algorithm for Time Synchronization}, author={M. Guarro and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems}, year={2023}, keywords = {RT1, RT3} } @inproceedings{sanfeliceS232, title={Control Barrier Function-Based Attack-Recovery with Provable Guarantees}, author={K. Garg and R. G. Sanfelice and A. Cardenas}, Booktitle ={Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, year={2022}, keywords = {RT5} } @inproceedings{sanfeliceS233, title={A Mixed Integer Approach to Solve Hybrid Model Predictive Control Problems}, author={I. Nodozi and R. G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle ={Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, year={2022}, keywords = {RT2} } @inproceedings{sanfeliceS234, title={Hybrid Concurrent Learning for Hybrid Linear Regression}, author={R. S. Johnson and R. G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle ={Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, year={2022}, keywords = {RT1, RT2} } @inproceedings{sanfeliceS235, title={Hybrid Geometric Controllers for Fully-Actuated Left-invariant Systems on Matrix Lie Groups}, author={A. Akhtar and R. G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle ={Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, year={2022}, keywords = {RT1} } @inproceedings{sanfeliceS236, title={Sufficient Conditions for Optimality in Finite-Horizon Two-Player Zero-Sum Hybrid Games}, author={S. Jimenez and R. G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle ={Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, year={2022}, keywords = {RT1, RT2} } @inproceedings{sanfeliceS237, title={A Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees Motion Planning Algorithm for Hybrid Dynamical Systems}, author={N. Wang and R. G. Sanfelice}, Booktitle ={Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, year={2022}, keywords = {RT1} } @article{sanfeliceS238, title={Control Design under Actuator Saturation and Multi-Rate Sampling}, author={F. Ferrante and R. G. Sanfelice and S. Tarbouriech}, journal={Automatica}, year={2022}, keywords = {RT1} } @article{sanfeliceS239, title={Certifying the {LTL} Formula p Until q in Hybrid Systems}, author={H. Han and M. Maghenem and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year={2022}, keywords = {RT1, RT2} } @inproceedings{PetersenA2023, title={Considerations for Space Weather Impacts on Spacecraft}, author={A. Petersen}, Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Space Flight Mechanics Meeting}, year={2023} } @InProceedings{amini2024misinformation, Title = {Control of Misinformation with Safety and Engagement Guarantees}, Author = {A. Amini and Y.E. Bayiz and U. Topcu}, Booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)}, Year = {2024}, Organization = {IEEE}, Keywords = {RT6} } @InProceedings{chen2023soft, Title = {Soft-Bellman Equilibrium in Affine Markov Games: Forward Solutions and Inverse Learning}, Author = {S. Chen and Y. Yu and D. Fridovich-Keil and U. Topcu}, Booktitle = {2023 IEEE 62nd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Year = {2023}, Organization = {IEEE}, Keywords = {RT2, RT3} } @InProceedings{yu2023active, Title = {Active Inverse Learning in Stackelberg Trajectory Games}, Author = {Y. Yu and J. Levy and N. Mehr and D. Fridovich-Keil and U. Topcu}, Booktitle = {1st Workshop on MAD-Games: Multi-Agent Dynamic Games, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2023}, Year = {2023}, Organization = {IEEE}, Keywords = {RT2, RT3} } @PhdThesis{Isaly2023, author = {A. Isaly}, school = {University of Florida}, title = {Safe Control Design for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Using Multiple Control Barrier Functions}, year = {2023}, keywords = {RT1, RT2, theory}, url1 = {}, } @PhdThesis{Patil2023, author = {O. Patil}, school = {University of Florida}, title = {Implicit And Deep Learning-Based Control Methods for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems}, year = {2023}, keywords = {DNN, RT1, RT2, theory, AI}, url1 = {}, } @Article{Xu.Zegers.ea2023, author = {Z. Xu and F. Zegers and N. Baharisangari and B. Wu and A. Phillips and W. E. Dixon and U. Topcu}, journal = {IEEE Access}, title = {Controller Synthesis for Multi-Agent Systems with Intermittent Communication and Metric Temporal Logic Specifications}, year = {2023}, keywords = {RT2, jointAF, RT1, RT3, robotpub, networkpub}, owner = {wdixon}, pages = {91324-91335}, volume = {11}, url1 = {}, } @Article{Makumi.Bell.ea23, author = {W. Makumi and Z. Bell and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Control Syst. Lett.}, title = {Approximate Optimal Indirect Regulation of an Unknown Agent with a Lyapunov-Based Deep Neural Network}, year = {2023}, pages = {2773-2778}, volume = {7}, keywords = {RT2, jointAF, RT1, RT3, AI, robotpub, networkpub}, owner = {wdixon}, url1 = {}, } @Article{Griffis.Patil.ea23_2, author = {E. Griffis and O. Patil and Z. Bell and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Control Syst. Lett.}, title = {Lyapunov-Based Long Short-Term Memory ({L}b-{LSTM}) Neural Network-Based Control}, year = {2023}, pages = {2976-2981}, volume = {7}, keywords = {RT2, jointAF, Learning, AI, adaptive}, owner = {wdixon}, url1 = {}, } @InProceedings{Isaly.Edwards.ea2023, author = {A. Isaly and S. Edwards and Z. Bell and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Weighted Prioritization of Constraints in Optimization-Based Control}, year = {2023}, keywords = {jointAFRL, RT1, RT2, theory}, } @InProceedings{Nino.Patil.ea2023, author = {C. F. Nino and O. S. Patil and J. Philor and Z. Bell and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Deep Adaptive Indirect Herding of Multiple Target Agents with Unknown Interaction Dynamics}, year = {2023}, keywords = {jointAFRL, RT3, RT2, theory, network, robotpub, learning, adaptive}, } @InProceedings{Hart.patil.ea2023, author = {R. Hart and O. Patil and E. Griffis and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Deep {L}yapunov-Based Physics-Informed Neural Networks ({D}e{L}b-{PINN}) for Adaptive Control Design}, year = {2023}, keywords = {RT2, learning, adaptive, Hartpub}, } @Article{Nino.Patil.Dixon.2023, author = {C. Nino and O. Patil and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Control Syst. Lett.}, title = {Second-Order Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Target Tracking without Relative Velocities}, year = {2023}, pages = {3663-3668}, volume = {7}, keywords = {networkpub, theory, Robotpub, RT3, RT1}, url1 = {}, } @inproceedings{stolte23, title={DOMINO++: Domain-Aware Loss Regularization for Deep Learning Generalizability}, author={S. Stolte and K. Volle and A. Indahlastari and A. Albizu and A. Woods and K. Brink and M. Hale and R. Fang}, booktitle={International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention}, pages={713--723}, year={2023}, keywords={RT2,jointAF, jointPI} } @INPROCEEDINGS{hustig-schultz23, author={D. Hustig-Schultz and K. Hendrickson and M. Hale and R. Sanfelice}, booktitle={2023 American Control Conference (ACC)}, title={A Totally Asynchronous Block-Based Heavy Ball Algorithm for Convex Optimization}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={873-878}, keywords={RT1,RT4,jointPI} } @article{stolte23b, title = {DOMINO: Domain-aware loss for deep learning calibration}, journal = {Software Impacts}, volume = {15}, pages = {100478}, year = {2023}, author = {Skylar E. Stolte and Kyle Volle and Aprinda Indahlastari and Alejandro Albizu and Adam J. Woods and Kevin Brink and Matthew Hale and Ruogu Fang}, keywords={RT2,jointAF} } @article{hawkins23, title={Node and edge differential privacy for graph laplacian spectra: Mechanisms and scaling laws}, author={C. Hawkins and B. Chen and K. Yazdani and M. Hale}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering}, year={2023}, note={To appear}, keywords={RT3,RT6} } @article{ubl23b, title={Anomaly Search Over Many Sequences With Switching Costs}, author={M. Ubl and B. Robinson and M. Hale}, journal={IEEE Control Systems Letters}, year={2023}, keywords={RT4,jointAF} } @INPROCEEDINGS{UEMCON21, author={A. Khan and J. Choi and D. Tian and T. Ward and K. Butler and P. Traynor and J. Shea and T. Wong}, booktitle={Proc. IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics \& Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON)}, title={Privacy-Preserving Localization using Enclaves}, year={2021}, pages={0269-0278}, keywords={RT4,RT3, jointPI} } @InProceedings{bowyer2022optimizing, author={C. Bowyer and J. Shea and T. Wong and W. E. Dixon}, title={Optimizing Synchronization Times for Position Tracking of a Mobile Asset in {GPS}-denied Environments}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Global Commun. Conf.}, year = {2022}, pages = {1960--1965}, month = {Dec.}, address = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, keywords={RT4,RT3, jointPI} } @InBook{CollaborativeSpectrumSharingChapter, author = {Q. Pham and J. Shea and T. Wong}, chapter = {Collaborative Spectrum Sharing}, title = {Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering}, Publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons}, year = {2023}, editor = {Kai Chang}, edition = {2}, pages = {1--13}, keywords={RT3} } @article{292, author = {H. Han and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {IEEE Control Systems Letters}, month = {June}, pages = {2809-2814}, title = {Exploiting Invariance Properties to Certify Always and Eventually Signal Temporal Logic Operators for Hybrid Dynamical Systems}, volume = {7}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT3, RT2, RT1} } @article{286, author = {B. Altin and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {Automatica}, month = {March}, title = {Regularity of Optimal Solutions and the Optimal Cost for Hybrid Dynamical Systems via Reachability Analysis}, volume = {152}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT1, RT2} } @article{284, author = {L. Burbano and K. Garg and S. Jimenez and A.A. Cardenas and R.G. Sanfelice}, journal = {IEEE Security and Privacy}, month = {July}, number = {4}, pages = {20-28}, title = {Online Attack Recovery in Cyber-Physical Systems}, volume = {21}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT5}, } @article{270, author = {R. Merco and F. Ferrante and R. G. Sanfelice and P. Pisu}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, month = {June}, number = {6}, pages = {3768-3775}, title = {Robust Output Feedback Control Design in the Presence of Sporadic Measurements}, volume = {68}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT1, RT4}, } @InProceedings{294, author = {N. Wang and R.G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, month = {December}, title = {HySST: An Asymptotically Near-Optimal Motion Planning Algorithm for Hybrid Systems}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT1, RT2} } @InProceedings{293, author = {P. K. Wintz and R.G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, month = {December}, title = {Forward Invariance-Based Hybrid Control Using Uncertified Controllers (I)}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT1} } @InProceedings{291, author = {N. Wu and R. S. Johnson and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the American Control Conference}, month = {July}, pages = {3560-3565}, title = {A Discretization of the Hybrid Gradient Algorithm for Linear Regression with Sampled Hybrid Signals}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT1}, } @InProceedings{290, author = {A. Akhtar and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the American Control Conference}, month = {July}, pages = {3554-3559}, title = {Global Accelerated Nonconvex Geometric Optimization Methods on SO(3)}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT2}, } @InProceedings{289, author = {G.Q.B. Tran and P. Bernard and R.G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress}, month = {July}, title = {Coupling Flow- and Jump-based Observers for Hybrid Systems with Nonlinear Maps and Known Jump Times}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT1}, } @InProceedings{288, author = {S. Jimenez and K. Garg and R. G. Sanfelice and A. Cardenas}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the American Control Conference}, month = {July}, pages = {2469-2474}, title = {An Observer-Based Switching Algorithm for Safety under Sensor Denial-Of-Service Attacks}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT1}, } @InProceedings{283, author = {J.H. Castellanos and M. Maghenem and A.A. Cardenas and R.G. Sanfelice and J. Zhou}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS\&P)}, month = {July}, pages = {979--1012}, title = {Provable Adversarial Safety in Cyber-Physical Systems}, year = {2023}, keywords={RT5}, } @InProceedings{Makumi.Bell.ea2024, author = {W. Makumi and Z. Bell and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {AIAA SciTech}, title = {Cooperative Approximate Optimal Indirect Regulation of Uncooperative Agents with Lyapunov-Based Deep Neural Network}, year = {2024}, keywords = {RT2, jointAF, RT1, RT3, AI, robotpub, networkpub}, } @Article{Hart.Griffis.ea2024, author = {R. Hart and E. Griffis and O. Patil and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Control Syst. Lett.}, title = {Lyapunov-based Physics-Informed Long Short-Term Memory ({LSTM}) Neural Network-Based Adaptive Control}, year = {2024}, pages = {13-18}, volume = {8}, keywords = {RT2, learning, adaptive, Hartpub}, } @Article{Griffis.Patil.ea2024, author = {E. Griffis and O. Patil and R. Hart and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Control Syst. Lett.}, title = {Lyapunov-Based Long Short-Term Memory ({L}b-{LSTM}) Neural Network-Based Adaptive Observer}, year = {2024}, pages = {97-102}, volume = {8}, keywords = {RT2, learning, adaptive, Hartpub}, } @InProceedings{Philor.Makumi.ea2024, author = {J. Philor and W. Makumi and Z. Bell and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, title = {Approximate Optimal Indirect Control of an Unknown Agent within a Dynamic Environment using a Lyapunov-Based Deep Neural Network}, year = {2024}, pages = {3430-3435}, keywords = {jointAFRL, RT2, Learning, AI, Theory}, } @InProceedings{Sweatland.Griffis.ea2023, author = {H. Sweatland and E. Griffis and V. H Duenas and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Passivity-Based Hybrid Systems Approach to Repetitive Learning Control for {FES}-Cycling with Control Input Saturation}, year = {2023}, keywords = {NMES, FES, Learning, Adaptive, Hybrid, Theory, Passivity}, } @Article{Zegers.Guralnik.eatoappear, author = {F. Zegers and D. P. Guralnik and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {Event-Triggered Multi-Agent System Rendezvous with Graph Maintenance in Different Hybrid Formulations: A Comparative Study}, year = {to appear}, keywords = {networkpub, theory, Robotpub}, } @article{ShenTMLR2024_DRO, title = {Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Policy Evaluation and Learning for Contextual Bandits}, journal = {Transactions on Machine Learning Research}, author = {Y. Shen, and P. Xu, and M. M. Zavlanos}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, month = {January}, year = {2024}, Doi = {}, keywords = {RT2} } @inproceedings{HayhoeLoG2023_Hypergraph_NNs, Author = {M. Hayhoe, and H. Riess, and M. M. Zavlanos, and V. Preciado, and A. Ribeiro}, Title = {Spectral Similarity Is All You Need: Transferable Hypergraph Neural Networks}, Booktitle = {2023 Learning on Graphs Conference (LoG)}, Pages = {}, Address = {(virtual)}, Month = {November}, Year = {2023}, keywords = {RT2} } @inproceedings{RiessCDC2023_MaxPlus, Author = {H. Riess, and M. Munger, and M. M. Zavlanos}, Title = {Max-Plus Synchronization in Decentralized Trading Systems}, Booktitle = {62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Pages = {}, Address = {Singapore}, Month = {December}, Year = {2023}, keywords = {RT3} } @inproceedings{WangCDC2023_TimeVaryingGames, Author = {Z. Wang, and Y. Shen, and M. M. Zavlanos, and K. H. Johansson}, Title = {Convergence Analysis of the Best Response Algorithm for Time-Varying Games}, Booktitle = {62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Pages = {}, Address = {Singapore}, Month = {December}, Year = {2023}, keywords = {RT3} } @inproceedings{JianCoRL2023_Policy_Stitching, Author = {P. Jian, and E. Lee, and Z. I. Bell, and M. M. Zavlanos, and B. Chen}, Title = {Policy Stitching: Learning Transferable Robot Policies}, Booktitle = {2023 Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)}, Pages = {}, Address = {Atlanta, GA}, Month = {November}, Year = {2023}, keywords = {RT2,jointAF} } @article{ZhangTAC2023_MARL, title = {Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Partial Observations}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, author = {Y. Zhang and M. M. Zavlanos}, volume = {69}, number = {2}, pages = {968 - 981}, month = {February}, year = {2024}, Doi = {}, keywords = {RT3} } @article{wu2022policy, title={Policy synthesis for switched linear systems with {M}arkov decision process switching}, author={B. Wu and M. Cubuktepe and F. Djeumou and Z. Xu and U. Topcu}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, volume={68}, number={1}, pages={532--539}, year={2023}, publisher={IEEE}, keywords={RT2}, } @article{hibbard2023simultaneous, title={Simultaneous perception--action design via invariant finite belief sets}, author={M. Hibbard and T. Tanaka and U. Topcu}, journal={Automatica}, volume={155}, pages={111140}, year={2023}, publisher={Elsevier}, keywords={RT2,RT6}, } @inproceedings{yu2023poisoning, title={Poisoning Attacks Against Data-Driven Predictive Control}, author={Y. Yu and R. Zhao and S. Chinchali and U. Topcu}, booktitle={2023 American Control Conference (ACC)}, pages={545--550}, year={2023}, organization={IEEE}, keywords={RT6}, } @article{wongpiromsarn2023formal, title={Formal Methods for Autonomous Systems}, author={T. Wongpiromsarn and M. Ghasemi and M. Cubuktepe and G. Bakirtzis and S. Carr and M. Karabag and C. Neary and P. Gohari and U. Topcu}, journal={arXiv:2311.01258}, year={2023}, keywords={RT2}, } @article{yu2023alpha, title={Alpha-Fair Routing in Urban Air Mobility with Risk-Aware Constraints}, author={Y. Yu and Z. Gao and S. Li and Q. Wei and J. P. Clarke and U. Topcu}, journal={arXiv:2310.00135}, year={2023}, keywords={RT6}, } @inproceedings{sheldon2024, title = {{AquaSonic: Acoustic Manipulation of Underwater Data Center Operations and Resource Management}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland)}, author = {J. Sheldon and W. Zhu and A. Abdullah and S. H. V. Bhupathiraju and T. Sugawara and K. Butler and M. J. Islam and S. Rampazzi}, year = {2024}, month = may, address = {San Francisco, CA, USA}, } @inproceedings{petersen2024onboard, title={Onboard Space Weather Monitoring of Energetic Particles}, author={A. Petersen}, booktitle={AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum}, pages={1667}, year={2024}, } @inproceedings{perez2024reviewing, title={Reviewing Known Mitigation Methods for Space Weather's Effects on Spacecraft}, author={N. Perez}, booktitle={AIAA Region II 2024 Student Conference}, year={2024}, } @inproceedings{abed2024autonomous, title={Autonomous Satellite Operational Mode Switching for Anomalies and Space Weather Effects Mitigation}, author={F. Azad and A. Petersenand C. Petersen}, booktitle={AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum}, pages={0836}, year={2024}, keywords={RT1,jointPI}, } @inproceedings{petersen2024coupled, title={A Coupled Guidance \& Navigation Optimization to Improve Rendezvous and Proximity Operations}, author={C. Petersen}, booktitle={AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum}, pages={0431}, year={2024}, } @inproceedings{ludden2024, title={Characterizing Computational Resources of GNC Algorithms}, author={C. Ludden and C. Petersen}, booktitle={IEEE Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology/Space Computing Conference}, year={to appear}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{she23, author={B. She and T. Hanks and J. Fairbanks and M. Hale}, booktitle={IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, title={Characterizing Compositionality of LQR from the Categorical Perspective}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1680-1685}, keywords={RT2, jointPI}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{gohari23, author={P. Gohari and M. Hale and U. Topcu}, booktitle={IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, title={Privacy-Engineered Value Decomposition Networks for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={8038-8044}, keywords={RT2,RT6,jointPI}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{fallin23, author={B. Fallin and C. Hawkins and B. Chen and P. Gohari and A. Benvenuti and U. Topcu and M. Hale}, booktitle={IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, title={Differential Privacy for Stochastic Matrices Using the Matrix Dirichlet Mechanism}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={5067-5072}, keywords={RT6,jointPI}, } @inproceedings{chen24, author={B. Chen and B. She and C. Hawkins and A. Benvenuti and B. Fallin and P. Pare and M. Hale}, title={Differentially private computation of basic reproduction numbers in networked epidemic models}, booktitle={2024 American Control Conference}, year={2024}, volume={}, number={}, pages={}, keywords={RT6}, } @inproceedings{hanks24, author={T. Hanks and B. She and M. Hale and E. Patterson and M. Klawonn and J. Fairbanks}, title={A compositional framework for convex model predictive control}, booktitle={2024 American Control Conference}, year={to appear}, volume={}, number={}, pages={}, keywords={RT2,jointAF, jointPI}, } @inproceedings{warke24, author = {W. Warke and K. Yazdani and M. Hale}, title = {Computation-Aware Bearings-Only Target Localization and Circumnavigation in 2D}, booktitle = {AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum}, year = {2024}, keywords={RT2}, } @inproceedings{hunt_icra24, author={D. Hunt and S. Luo and A. Khazraei and X. Zhang and R.S. Hallyburton and T. Chen and M. Pajic}, booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, title={{RadCloud: Real-Time High-Resolution Point Cloud Generation Using Low-Cost Radars for Aerial and Ground Vehicles}}, year={2024}, volume={}, number={}, } @inproceedings{hsu_icra24, author={H. L. Hsu and H. Meng and S. Luo and J. Dong and V. Tarokh and M. Pajic}, booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, title={{REFORMA: Robust REinFORceMent Learning via Adaptive Adversary for Drones Flying under Disturbances}}, year={2024}, month ={May}, volume={}, number={}, } @inproceedings{gao_iclr24, author={G. Gao and Q. Gao and X. Yang and S. Ju and M. Pajic and M. Chi}, title = {On Trajectory Augmentations for Off-Policy Evaluation}, booktitle ={12th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)}, year = {2024}, pages={}, } @inproceedings {hunt_ndss24, author = {D. Hunt and K. Angell and Z. Qi and T. Chen and M. Pajic}, title = {MadRadar A Black-Box Physical Layer Attack Framework on mmWave Automotive FMCW Radars}, booktitle = {The 2024 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)}, year = {2024}, address = {San Diego, CA}, } @inproceedings{gao_neurips23, author = {Q. Gao and G. Gao and J. Dong and V. Tarokh and M. Chi and M. Pajic}, booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, editor = {A. Oh and T. Neumann and A. Globerson and K. Saenko and M. Hardt and S. Levine}, pages = {9065--9091}, publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.}, title = {Off-Policy Evaluation for Human Feedback}, volume = {36}, year = {2023}, } @article{Aborizk.FitzCoy2024, author = {A. Aborizk and N. Fitz-Coy}, title = {Multiphase Autonomous Docking via Model-Based and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning}, journal = {Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets}, volume = {61}, number = {4}, pages = {993-1005}, year = {2024}, keywords={RT2} } @inproceedings{Aborizk.FitzCoy.ea2024, title={3{D} underactuated spacecraft docking using {L}egendre {G}auss {R}adau collocation}, author={A. Aborizk and N. Fitz-Coy and A. Soderlund}, booktitle = {IEEE Aerospace Conference}, year={2024}, keywords={RT2, jointAF} } @inproceedings{southeastcon24, author = {M. Self and D. Greene and J. Shea}, title = {Developing A Channel Emulation System for Networked Autonomous Vehicles}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE SoutheastCon}, year = {2024}, pages = {360--365}, month = {Mar.}, address = {Atlanta, Georgia USA}, } @inproceedings{287, author = {D. Hustig-Schultz and K. Hendrickson and M. Hale and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proc. of the American Control Conference}, month = {July}, pages = {873-878}, title = {A Totally Asynchronous Block-Based Heavy Ball Algorithm for Convex Optimization}, keywords = {RT1, RT2, RT3, jointPI}, year = {2023}, } @book{300, author = {M. Prandini and R. G. Sanfelice}, publisher = {Birkhauser}, title = {Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, year = {2023}, } @inbook{301, author = {N. Risso and B. Altin and R. G. Sanfelice and J. Sprinkle}, chapter = {Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems}, pages = {187-207}, publisher = {Birkhauser}, title = {Set-Valued Model Predictive Control}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, year = {2023}, } @article{299, author = {P. Bernard and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, month = {September}, title = {Semiglobal High-Gain Hybrid Observer for a Class of Hybrid Dynamical Systems with Unknown Jump Times}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, year = {2024}, } @article{298, author = {M. Guarro and F. Ferrante and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control}, title = {A Hybrid Observer for Linear Systems under Delayed Sporadic Measurements}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, year = {2024}, } @article{297, author = {D. Hustig-Schultz and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {Automatica}, month = {February}, number = {111389}, title = {{Uniting Nesterov and Heavy Ball Methods for Uniform Global Asymptotic Stability of the Set of Minimizers}}, volume = {160}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, year = {2024}, } @article{296, author = {R. G. Sanfelice and L. Praly}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, month = {October}, pages = {1-16}, title = {Convergence of Nonlinear Observers on $\mathbb{R}^n$ with a {R}iemannian Metric {(Part III)}}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, year = {2023}, } @article{295, author = {X. Lou and Y. Li and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, month = {December}, pages = {1-16}, title = {Notions, Stability, Existence, and Robustness of Limit Cycles in Hybrid Dynamical Systems}, keywords = {RT1,RT2}, year = {2023}, } @inproceedings{fedele2024protecting, title={Protecting Satellite Proximity Operations via Secure Multi-Party Computation}, author={C. Fedele and K. Butler and C. Petersen and T. Lovelly}, booktitle={AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum}, pages={0271}, year={2024}, address = {Orlando, FL, USA}, keywords = {RT5, jointPI}, } @inproceedings{Ludden2025, title={Computational Dynamics for Model Predictive Control Rendezvous and Proximity Operations}, author={C. Ludden and C. Petersen}, booktitle={2025 American Control Conference}, year={2025}, keywords = {RT2,RT6}, } @inproceedings{PetersenAAS2025, title={Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Computational Dynamics}, author={C. Petersen}, Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Space Flight Mechanics Meeting}, year={2025}, keywords = {RT2,RT6}, } @inproceedings{Furioso2025, title={Innovative Global Mapping Techniques for Navigating Space Weather Hazards in Low Earth Orbit}, author={N. Furioso and F. Azad and C. Petersen and A. Petersen}, Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Space Flight Mechanics Meeting}, year={2025}, keywords = {jointPI,RT6}, } @inproceedings{MuldrowRail2025, title={Development of a Linear Guide-Rail Testbed for Physically Emulating {ISAM} Operations}, author={R. Muldrow and C. Ludden and C. Petersen}, Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Space Flight Mechanics Meeting}, year={2025}, keywords = {RT2}, } @article{Raju_Bharadwaj_Djeumou_Topcu_2021, title={Online Synthesis for Runtime Enforcement of Safety in Multiagent Systems}, volume={8}, number={2}, journal={IEEE Trans. Control. Netw. Syst.}, author={D. Raju and S. Bharadwaj and F. Djeumou and U. Topcu}, year={2021}, pages={621–632}, keywords={RT2}, } @inproceedings{Fridovich-Keil_2025, title={Second-Order Algorithms for Finding Local Nash Equilibria in Zero-Sum Games}, author={K. Gupta and X. Liu and R. Allen and U. Topcu and D. Fridovich-Keil}, booktitle={arXiv:2406.03565}, year={2025}, keywords={RT2}, } @inproceedings{Hibbard_Tanaka_Topcu_2025, title={Autonomous Earth Observation Through Congestion Games}, booktitle={AIAA SciTech Forum}, author={M. Hibbard and T. Tanaka and U. Topcu}, year={2025}, keywords={RT2}, } @inproceedings{khazraei_cdc24, author={A. Khazraei and H. Meng and M. Pajic}, booktitle={2024 IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, title={Black-box Stealthy GPS Attacks on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles}, year={2024}, volume={}, number={}, pages={2857-2862}, keywords={RT5}, } @inproceedings{hallyburton_cdc24, author={R. S. Hallyburton and M. Pajic}, booktitle={2024 IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, title={Bayesian Methods for Trust in Collaborative Multi-Agent Autonomy}, keywords= {RT5}, year={2024}, } @inproceedings{hsu_iros24, author={H. -L. Hsu and A. Bozkurt and J. Dong and Q. Gao and V. Tarokh and M. Pajic}, booktitle={2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)}, title={Steering Decision Transformers via Temporal Difference Learning}, year={2024}, pages={7477-7483}, keywords={RT2}, } @inproceedings{gao_neurips24, author = {G. Gao and X. Yang and Q. Gao and S. Ju and M. Pajic and M. Chi}, booktitle = {38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)}, title = {Off-Policy Selection for Initiating Human-Centric Experimental Design}, year = {2024}, keywords={RT2}, } @inproceedings{hsu_neurips24, author = {H.L. Hsu and W. Wang and M. Pajic and P. Xu}, booktitle = {38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)}, title = {Randomized Exploration in Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning}, keywords={RT2}, year = {2024}, } @InProceedings{xuan_l4dc24, title = {On the uniqueness of solution for the {B}ellman equation of {LTL} objectives}, author = {Z. Xuan and A. Bozkurt and M. Pajic and Y. Wang}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Annual Learning for Dynamics \& Control Conference}, pages = {428-439}, year = {2024}, volume = {242}, } @ARTICLE{khazraei_tac24, author={A. Khazraei and H. Pfister and M. Pajic}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, title={Attacks on Perception-Based Control Systems: Modeling and Fundamental Limits}, year={2024}, volume={69}, number={11}, pages={7726-7741}, keywords={RT5}, } @ARTICLE{bozkurt_tac24, author={A. Bozkurt and Y. Wang and M. Zavlanos and M. Pajic}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, title={Learning Optimal Strategies for Temporal Tasks in Stochastic Games}, year={2024}, volume={69}, number={11}, pages={7387-7402}, keywords={RT2, jointPI}, } @InProceedings{hsu_l4dc24, title = {Robust exploration with adversary via {L}angevin {M}onte {C}arlo}, author = {H.-L. Hsu and M. Pajic}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Annual Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference}, pages = {1592-1605}, year = {2024}, volume = {242}, keywords={RT2, RT5}, } @inbook{309, author = {R. Montgomery and R. G. Sanfelice}, title = {AIMS on Applied Mathematics}, chapter = {Hybrid Control, Morse Theory and Ivan Kupka}, pages = {135-152}, publisher={}, volume = {12}, year = {2024}, keywords={RT1}, } @article{316, author = {J. de Priester and Z. Bell and P. Ganesh and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {Reinforcement Learning Journal}, number = {1}, title = {MultiHyRL: Robust Hybrid RL for Obstacle Avoidance against Adversarial Attacks on the Observation Space}, volume = {1}, year = {2024}, keywords={RT1, RT2, jointAF}, } @article{312, author = {A. Saoud and M. Maghenem and A. Loria and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, month = {July}, pages = {1-8}, title = {Hybrid Persistency of Excitation in Adaptive Estimation for Hybrid Systems}, year = {2024}, keywords={RT1, RT2}, } @article{311, author = {P. Casau and R. G. Sanfelice and C. Silvestre}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, month = {December}, pages = {1-16}, title = {Robust Synergistic Hybrid Feedback}, year = {2024}, keywords={RT1}, } @article{308, author = {R. S. Johnson and S. Di Cairano and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {Automatica}, title = {Robust Parameter Estimation for Hybrid Dynamical Systems with Linear Parametric Uncertainty}, volume = {167}, year = {2024}, keywords={RT1, RT2}, } @article{307, author = {S. Phillips and R. G. Sanfelice}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, volume={69}, number={11}, pages = {1-16}, title = {Pointwise Exponential Stability of State Consensus with Intermittent Communication}, year = {2024}, keywords={RT1, RT3, jointAF}, } @InProceedings{327, author = {Z. Lamb and Z. Bell and M. Longmire and L. Paquet and P. Ganesh and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {2025 AIAA SciTech Forum-Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference}, title = {Deep Nonlinear Adaptive Control for Unmanned Aerial Systems Operating Under Dynamic Uncertainties}, keywords={RT2, jointAF}, year = {2025}, } @InProceedings{326, author = {S. Henao-Garcia and M. Kapteyn and M. Tezzele and K. Willcox and M. Castroviejo-Fernandez and T. Kim and M. Ambrosino and I. Kolmanovsky and H. Basu and P. Jirwankar and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {2025 AIAA SciTech Forum-Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference}, title = {Digital-Twin-Enabled Multi-Spacecraft On-Orbit Operations}, keywords={RT3}, year = {2025}, } @InProceedings{325, author = {P. Jirwankar and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, month = {December}, title = {Robust Global Hybrid Passive Complementary Filter on SO(2)}, keywords={RT1}, year = {2024}, } @InProceedings{324, author = {A. R. Teel and R. Goebel and R. G. Sanfelice and M. F. Crisafulli}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, month = {December}, title = {Stochastic Approximations of Hybrid Inclusions}, keywords={RT1}, year = {2024}, } @InProceedings{323, author = {S. Garcia-Castro and G. Q. B. Tran and P. Bernard and R. G. Sanfelice and F. Di-Meglio}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, month = {December}, title = {Towards Gluing {KKL} Observer for Hybrid Systems with Unknown Jump Times}, keywords={RT1}, year = {2024}, } @InProceedings{322, author = {H. Basu and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, month = {December}, title = {Distributed State Estimation of Linear Systems under Jointly Connected Directed Switching Networks}, keywords={RT1, RT3}, year = {2024}, } @InProceedings{321, author = {R. G. Sanfelice and P. Casau and F. Ferrante}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, month = {December}, title = {Hybrid Feedback Control Design}, year = {2024}, keywords={RT1}, } @InProceedings{320, author = {R. Goebel and R. G. Sanfelice and A. R. Teel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, month = {December}, title = {Some Converse Lyapunov-Like Results for Strong Forward Invariance}, keywords={RT1}, year = {2024}, } @InProceedings{319, author = {R. S. Johnson and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the American Control Conference}, month = {July}, pages = {4675-4680}, keywords={RT1}, title = {Parameter Estimation for Hybrid Dynamical Systems with Delayed Jump Detection}, year = {2024}, } @InProceedings{318, author = {S. Jimenez and F. Ferrante and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the American Control Conference}, month = {July}, pages = {875-880}, keywords={RT1, RT3, RT2}, title = {On the Optimal Cost and Asymptotic Stability in Two-Player Zero-Sum Set-Valued Hybrid Games}, year = {2024}} @InProceedings{317, author = {N. Wang and Di Cairano, S. and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the American Control Conference}, month = {July}, pages = {4663-4668}, keywords={RT1}, title = {A Switched Reference Governor for High Performance Trajectory Tracking Control under State and Input Constraints}, year = {2024}} @InProceedings{315, author = {N. Wang and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems}, month = {July}, keywords={RT1}, title = {HyRRT-Connect: A Bidirectional Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees Motion Planning Algorithm for Hybrid Systems}, year = {2024}} @InProceedings{314, author = {S. Jimenez and P. Braun and R. G. Sanfelice and I. Shames}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems}, month = {July}, keywords={RT1, RT3}, title = {A Hybrid Systems Formulation for a Capture-the-Flag Game}, year = {2024}} @InProceedings{313, author = {P. K. Wintz and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems}, month = {July}, keywords={RT1, RT3}, title = {Conical Transition Graphs: A New Tool to Analyze Asymptotic Stability for Hybrid Systems}, year = {2024}} @InProceedings{305, author = {C. A. Montenegro and S. Jimenez and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control}, month = {May}, pages = {1-10}, keywords={RT1, RT2}, title = {A Data-Driven Approach for Certifying Asymptotic Stability and Cost Evaluation for Hybrid Systems}, year = {2024}} @InProceedings{298, author = {T. Pati and M. Khajenejad and S. P. Daddala and R. G. Sanfelice and S. Z. Yong}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, month = {December}, pages = {7507-7513}, keywords={RT1}, title = {Interval Observers for Hybrid Dynamical Systems with Known Jump Times}, year = {2023}} @InProceedings{297, author = {A. R. Teel and R. Goebel and R. G. Sanfelice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, month = {December}, keywords={RT1, RT3}, pages = {2847-2852}, title = {Multi-Channel Hybrid Time Domains and Clustering Protocols for Large-Scale Interconnections}, year = {2023}} @InProceedings{296, author = {R. G. Sanfelice and A. R. Teel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, month = {December}, keywords={RT1}, pages = {1859-1864}, title = {On Invariants for Open Hybrid Systems and their Interconnections}, year = {2023}} @article{jian2024perception, title={Perception Stitching: Zero-Shot Perception Encoder Transfer for Visuomotor Robot Policies}, author={P. Jian and E. Lee and Z. I. Bell and M. M. Zavlanos and B. Chen}, journal={Transactions on Machine Learning Research}, issn={2835-8856}, year={2024}, keywords={RT2,jointAF} } @inproceedings{WangACC2024_Risk, title = {Learning of Nash Equilibria in Risk-Averse Games}, booktitle = {American Control Conference}, author = {Z. Wang and Y. Shen and M. M. Zavlanos and K. H. Johansson}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages={3270-3275}, year = {2024}, month = {}, keywords={RT3} } @inproceedings{WangNeurIPS2024_Outlier, title = {Outlier-Robust Distributionally Robust Optimization via Unbalanced Optimal Transport}, booktitle = {Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems}, author = {Z. Wang and Y. Shen and M. M. Zavlanos and K. H. Johansson}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages={}, year = {2024}, month = {}, Doi = {}, keywords={RT2} } @article{WangTAC2024_Constrained, title = {Constrained Optimization with Decision-Dependent Distributions}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on automatic control}, author = {Z. Wang and C. Liu and T. Parisini and M. M. Zavlanos and K. H. Johansson}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, month = {}, year = {2025}, keywords={RT3} } @inproceedings{riess2024network, title={Network Preference Dynamics using Lattice Theory}, author={H. Riess and G. Henselman-Petrusek and M. Munger and R. Ghrist and Z. Bell and M. Zavlanos}, booktitle={2024 American Control Conference (ACC)}, pages={2802-2808}, year={2024}, keywords={RT3, jointAF} } @inproceedings{HayhoeLoG2023_Hypergraph_NNs, title={Transferable Hypergraph Neural Networks via Spectral Similarity}, author={M. Hayhoe and H. Riess and M. Zavlanos and V. Preciado and A. Ribeiro}, booktitle={Learning on Graphs Conference}, year={2024}, keywords={RT2} } @article{zhang2024boosting, title={Boosting One-Point Derivative-Free Online Optimization via Residual Feedback}, author={Y. Zhang and Y. Zhou and K. Ji and Y. Shen and M. Zavlanos}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year={2024}, publisher={IEEE}, keywords={RT3} } @article{benvenuti24b, author={A. Benvenuti and B. Bialy and M. Dennis and M. Hale}, journal={IEEE Control Systems Letters}, title={Guaranteed Feasibility in Differentially Private Linearly Constrained Convex Optimization}, year={2024}, volume={8}, number={}, pages={2745-2750}, keywords={RT6, jointAF}, } @article{behrendt24, title={Distributed asynchronous discrete-time feedback optimization}, author={G. Behrendt and M. Longmire and Z. Bell and M.T. Hale}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, pages={}, year={}, keywords={RT4,jointAF} } @article{chen22b, title={The bounded {G}aussian mechanism for differential privacy}, author={B. Chen and M.T. Hale}, volume={14}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality}, year={2024}, keywords={RT6} } @INPROCEEDINGS{kim24, author={Y. Kim and A. Benvenuti and B. Chen and M. Karabag and A. Kulkarni and N. Bastian and U. Topcu and M. Hale}, booktitle={IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM)}, title={Defining and Measuring Deception in Sequential Decision Systems: Application to Network Defense}, year={2024}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-6}, keywords={RT6,jointPI} } @inproceedings{pond24, author={E. Pond and A. Sebok and Z. Bell and M. Hale}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, year={2024}, title={A Totally Asynchronous Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient Method for Convex Optimization (I)}, volume={}, number={}, pages={}, keywords={RT4,jointAF}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{warke24, author={W. Warke and J. H. Ramos and P. Ganesh and K. Brink and M. Hale}, booktitle={2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)}, title={Pose Graph Optimization over Planar Unit Dual Quaternions: Improved Accuracy with Provably Convergent Riemannian Optimization}, year={2024}, volume={}, number={}, pages={12848-12855}, keywords={RT4,jointAF} } @INPROCEEDINGS{10666610, author={A. Benvenuti and C. Hawkins and B. Fallin and B. Chen and B. Bialy and M. Dennis and M. Hale}, booktitle={2024 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)}, title={Differentially Private Reward Functions for Markov Decision Processes}, year={2024}, volume={}, number={}, pages={631-636}, keywords={RT6,jointAF}, } @InProceedings{MILCOM24, author = {C. M. Bowyer and J. M. Shea and T. F. Wong and W. E. Dixon }, title = {Optimizing Synchronization Times for Tracking a Mobile Asset in {GPS}-Denied Environments Using Deep {Q}-Learning}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Military Commun. Conf. (MILCOM)}, year = {2004}, pages = {548--553}, month = {Oct.}, address = {Washington DC}, keywords={RT2, RT3, jointPI}, } @InProceedings{Nino.Patil.ea2025a, author = {C. F. Nino and O. S. Patil and C. D. Petersen and S. Phillips and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. AAS/AIAA Sp. Flight Mech. Meet.}, title = {Collaborative spacecraft servicing under partial feedback using {L}yapunov-based deep neural networks}, year = {2025}, keywords = {RT2, jointAF, jointPI, networkpub, aeropub}, } @Article{Sweatland.Isaly.eatoappear, author = {H. Sweatland and A. Isaly and E. Griffis and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {Optimization-Based Controllers for Passivity and Safety Constraints}, year = {to appear}, keywords = {RT2, theory}, } @phdthesis{Edwards2024, keywords = { RT3, RT2, theory }, year = {2024}, title = {Path planning, estimation, and control in the presence of intermittent state feedback}, school = {University of Florida}, author = {S. Edwards}, } @phdthesis{Makumi2024, keywords = { RT2, theory }, year = {2024}, title = {Real-time learning for suboptimal control of unknown systems}, school = {University of Florida}, author = {C. Makumi}, } @phdthesis{Griffis2024, keywords = { RT2, theory }, year = {2024}, title = {Adaptive deep learning for control of unknown systems}, school = {University of Florida}, author = {E. Griffis}, } @phdthesis{Sweatland2024, keywords = { RT1, RT2, theory }, year = {2024}, title = {Safe control methods for nonlinear dynamical systems}, school = {University of Florida}, author = {H. Sweatland}, } @InProceedings{Nino.Patil.ea2024, author = {C. F. Nino and O. S. Patil and S. C. Edwards and Z. I. Bell and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. Conf. Decis. Control}, title = {Distributed target tracking under partial feedback using {L}yapunov-based deep neural networks}, year = {2024}, } @Article{Isaly.Mamaghani.ea2024, author = {A. Isaly and M. Mamaghani and R. G. Sanfelice and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {On the Feasibility and Continuity of Feedback Controllers Defined by Multiple Control Barrier Functions}, year = {2024}, number = {11}, pages = {7326 - 7339}, volume = {69}, keywords = {RT1, theory, jointPI}, } @Article{Rotithor.Taplin.eatoappear, author = {G. Rotithor and T. Taplin and A. P. Dani and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {Switching of Asymptotically Stable and Uniformly Ultimately Bounded Systems With Applications to Machine Vision}, year = {2024}, number = {9}, pages = {6246-6252}, volume = {69}, keywords = {vision, RT1}, } @Article{Le.Patil.eatoappear, author = {D. Le and O. Patil and C. Nino and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. on Neural Netw. Learn. Syst.}, title = {Accelerated Gradient Approach For Deep Neural Network-based Adaptive Control of Unknown Nonlinear Systems}, year = {to appear}, keywords = {RT2, theory, learning}, } @Article{Zegers.Guralnik.ea2024, author = {F. Zegers and D. Guralnik and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {Event-Triggered Multi-Agent System Rendezvous with Graph Maintenance in Varied Hybrid Formulations: A Comparative Study}, year = {2024}, number = {12}, pages = {8308-8322}, volume = {69}, keywords = {networkpub, theory}, } @Article{Greene.Sakha.eatoappear, author = {M. L. Greene and M. S. Sakha and R. Kamalapurkar and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {Approximate Dynamic Programming for Trajectory Tracking of Switched Systems}, year = {2025}, number = {2}, pages = {1024-1037}, volume = {70}, keywords = {RT2, Learning, AI, Theory}, } @InBook{Zegers.Phillips.eatoappear, author = {F. Zegers and S. Phillips and W. E. Dixon}, chapter = {Event-Driven Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems}, editor = {Y. Wan and K. G. Vamvoudakis and Y. Chen and F. L. Lewis}, publisher = {CRC Press}, title = {Smarter Cyber Physical Systems: Enabling Methodologies and Applications}, year = {to appear}, keywords = {networkpub, RT1, RT3, JointAF}, pages = {}, } @Article{Isaly.Patil.ea2024, author = {A. Isaly and O. Patil and H. Sweatland and R. Sanfelice and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {Adaptive Safety with a {RISE}-Based Disturbance Observer}, year = {2024}, number = {7}, pages = {4883-4890}, volume = {69}, keywords = {RT1, RT2, theory, jointPI}, } @Article{Le.Teel.ea2024, author = {D. Le and A. R. Teel and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {A Switched System Dwell-time Update Mechanism For Path Following With Intermittent State Feedback Constraints}, year = {2024}, number = {7}, pages = {4820-4827}, volume = {69}, keywords = {RT1, robotpub, theory, DucLePub}, } @InProceedings{Edwards.Isaly.ea2024, author = {S. Edwards and A. Isaly and J. Brewer and W. E. Dixon}, booktitle = {Proc. Am. Control Conf.}, title = {Capturing a Non-Cooperative Resident Space Object: A Control Barrier Function Approach}, year = {2024}, pages = {791-796}, keywords = {RT2, theory, jointAF}, } @Article{Guralnik.Stiller.ea2024, author = {D. Guralnik and P. Stiller and F. Zegers and W. E. Dixon}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Autom. Control}, title = {Plug-and-Play Cooperative Navigation: From Single-Agent Navigation Fields to Graph-Maintaining Distributed MAS Controllers}, year = {2024}, number = {8}, pages = {5262-5277}, volume = {69}, keywords = {networkpub, theory, Robotpub}, } @Article{Aborizk.Soderlund.toappear, author = {A. Aborizk and A. Soderlund and C. Petersen and N. Fitz-Coy,}, journal = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics}, title = {Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of an Underactuated Small Satellite with Unilateral Thrust}, year = {to appear}, keywords = {Rt2, JointAF, JointPI}, } @InProceedings{Aborizk.Soderlund.ea2025, author = {A. Aborizk and A. Soderlund and N. Fitz-Coy}, booktitle = {9th International Conference on Orbital Debris}, title = {On the Topic of Real-Time Model Predictive Control for Underactuated Docking}, year = {2025}, keywords = {RT2, jointAF}, } @InProceedings{Aborizk.Soderlund.ea2024_wed, author = {A. Aborizk and A. Soderlund and N. Fitz-Coy}, booktitle = {International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics}, title = {An On-Line Global Search Approach to Underactuated Docking Operations Via Model Predictive Control and the Cross-Entropy Method}, year = {2024}, keywords = {RT2, jointAF}, }