Assured Autonomy in Contest Environments (AACE)
Spring 2024 Review
Format:The program review will be held in a hybrid format on May 30th. The presentation slides will be posted.
Location of Venue: The Seymour Marine Discovery Center, Room La Feliz https://www.google.com/maps/place/Seymour+Marine+Discovery+Center/@36.9491338,-122.0670815,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x808e6a0ca01e69c5:0x829521e412964087!8m2!3d36.9492169!4d-122.0649417?shorturl=1
The address of the venue is 100 McAllister Way, Santa Cruz, CA 95060.
Parking: You'll need to use the ParkMobile app to purchase your parking permit upon arrival. Park in the Seymour Center parking lot (ParkMobile zone # 15151) then proceed to the La Feliz room through the patio entrance on the East Side of the building.
Zoom link for presenters and remote attendees: Presentations will be in person, and streamed via Zoom for remote attendees.
Meeting ID: 967 7546 5612
Passcode: 568010
Agenda for May 30th
- 8:30-9:00 Registration/Badging
- 9:00-9:05 Welcome, Opening Remarks, and Logistics
- Ricardo Sanfelice
- 9:05-9:15 Center Overview, Workforce Development and AFRL Collaboration
- Warren Dixon (Slides)
- 9:15-9:40 A Data-Driven Approach for Certifying Asymptotic Stability and Cost Evaluation for Hybrid Systems
- Introduction by Ricardo Sanfelice followed with talk by Carlos Montenegro (PhD student) (Slides)
- 9:40-10:10 Efficient Verification of High-Order Control Barrier Functions
- Introduction by Matthew Hale followed with talk by Ellie Pond (PhD student) (Slides)
- 10:10-10:40 Guaranteed and Safe Learning Methods
- Introduction by Warren Dixon followed with talk by Ciku Makumi (RW) , Emily Griffis (Raytheon), and Hannah Sweatland (PhD student) (Slides)
- 10:40-11:10 Perception Stitching: Zero-Shot Perception Encoder Transfer for Visuomotor Robot Policies
- Pingcheng Jian (PhD student supervised by Michael Zavlanos) (Slides)
- 11:10-11:30 Break
- 11:30-12:00 Design of Robust Control Policies via Adversarial Training
- Intro by Miroslav Pajic, followed with talk by Hao-Lun Hsu (PhD student) (Slides)
- 12:00-12:20 Global Search Approach to Underactuated Docking Operations Via Model Predictive Control and the Cross-Entropy Method
- Intro by Norman Fitz-Coy, followed with talk by Anthony Aborizk(PhD student) (Slides)
- 12:30-12:50 Control of Misinformation with Safety and Engagement Guarantees
- Arash Amini (PhD student supervised by Ufuk Topcu) (Slides)
- 12:50-2:10pm Lunch and Poster Session (Lunch provided on-site)
- Poster 1: Pose Graph Optimization over Planar Unit Dual Quaternions: Improved Accuracy with Provably Convergent Riemannian Optimization, by William Warke, University of Florida
- Poster 2: Motion Planning for Hybrid Systems, by Nan Wang, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Poster 3: Hybrid Games, by Santiago Leudo, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Poster 4: Hybrid RL, Jan de Priester, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Poster 5: CBF DNN, by Hannah Sweatland, University of Florida
- Poster 6: DNN ADP, by Ciku Makumi, University of Florida
- Poster 7: OFB RNN, by Emily Griffis, University of Florida
- Poster 8: Learning for Dynamical Systems, by Carlos Montenegro, University of California, Santa Cruz
- 2:10-2:40 Coordination of Distributed Agents through Stochastic Policies in a Cooperative Jamming Scenario
- Introduction by John Shea, followed with talk by Tom Lattus (PhD student) (Slides)
- 2:40-3:10 Holistically Assessing Privacy-Preserving Satellite Computation for RPO and ISM
- Introduction by Kevin Butler, followed with talk by Carson Stillman (PhD student) (Slides)
- 3:10-3:30 Ensuring Safety via Computation Regulation and Reference Switching
- Chrispy Petersen (Slides)
- 3:30-3:50 Improving Space Weather Modeling for Satellite Space Environment Awareness
- Alicia Petersen (Slides)
- 3:50-3:55 Concluding Remarks
- 3:55-4:00 Coffee Break
- 4:00-4:30 Closed Program Review Discussion between PMs and PIs